The performance

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Andys pov
All of us watched Batman until me and the boys had to perform. "Hey guys, your on in 2 minuets." Our tour manager Jhon seid to us. "Okay." We got up and y/n pouted I picked her up and put her on my shoulder and she she started squirm so I put her down. "Your coming with us." I said and y/n's face lit up. And she hugged me and I juggled back. Then we realized the boys where gone so I gave y/n a piggy back ride, we caught up with the boys because of my 'manly' gezzel legs.

Your pov
When we got to the stage I just sat on a chair watching the boys perform from back stage. They played,
Reble love song
Goodbye aggoney
The legacy
Knives and pens
In the end, and
The outsider
Andy then came back stage and brought me out to introduce me or somthig like that.

Andy's pov
We finished our last song and I felt hat it would be right to introduce y/n so fan-girls would kind of leave me alone. "I know our performance is supposed to be over but I have to announce something." I ran off stage and brought y/n out. "This is my girlfriend y/n." I croud filled with 'Awwwes' and 'you two should kiss.' I looked at jinxx and he noded for what I was going to do, so I got on one knee and I pulled out a ring. "Y/n, we have been dateing for a few months and, would you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" "Yes, I'll marry you." I put the ring on her finger. And then we all went back stage. Just to see some angry fan girls. Y/n heled my hand tightly as she was shaking. "Omfg! Andy, I thought you where going to date, and marry me. Not that ugly cunt!" One of the girls seid. Y/n just got closer to me and some tears escaped from her eyes. "Jinxx! I need you to come here for a few minuets." I yelled for Jinxx. "Oh, are you getting lover girls brother so he can 'yell' at us? Like that will ever happen because, no one likes you so called 'fiancé'." One if the other girls said. Y/n just broke out crying and I heled her tight as Jinxx walked in. "Y/n!? What happened!?" I just glare at the girls that where being mean.

Jinxxs pov
"Go, you girls aren't fans of ours if you  think these things. You should at least be happey for them. Not bicthing and complaining. And the reason why I'm biching you both out is because that girl crying, is my little sister." The two girls just stormed off, and now they shouldn't be a problem. "Thanks man. I'm going to walk y/n to the bus, I'm also going to skip the meet and greet. For y/n's sake." Andy said. "Okay, I'll tell the boys. And y/n can stay with you, cause we go home today." Andy smiles at me and y/n has calmed down cause she has stopped crying.

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