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Scorpius's POV

I pressed my forehead against the steering wheel and let out a loud groan, drowning out the impatient horns of the cars around me.

"Why am I doing this?" I asked. "I could be home laid back in front of the TV eating cauldron cakes, but here I am stuck in traffic as I make my way over to my girlfriend's cousin's wedding! What kind of compromise is that?!" I yelled at the sleek grey owl that stood perched on the passenger seat of the Mercedes.

It cocked it's head.

"Fine, you're right. It's so our families can grow closer, so her family might warm up to me — so what? I don't need to attend a bloody wedding! Especially not a Wealsey wedding, I swear, the amount of redheads in one place will be unbelievable. Why would I want to end up there?"

The owl blinked, before hooting softly.

"I know I brought a present, no need to remind me! I'm bringing the Weasleys a Wedding gift. A rather expensive one may I add. But I only did it because Mum forced me to! I would have completely forgotten to bring a gift of it hadn't been for her ... don't tell Rose I said that."

It let out a low purr.

"I said don't! I may not particularly like the Weasleys, but I sure as hell love Rose! I love ... Rose ..."

It took me a moment to realise what I had just admitted.

"Blimey, I love Rose!" I ran a hand through my hair, grinning. "I love Rose Weasley! Have you ever been in love?"

The owl lowered its beak.

"Good for you, mate! I hope you win her like I did mine. Of course you'll get her, you're a Malfoy! In fact," I started slowly, my thoughts whirring. "I'm going to let you off for the rest of the day so you can win your lover's heart. Free off charge!"

It stared at me.

"Fine, two hours. No, three! Three hours to win your lover's heart. Now shoo! And pick up two butter beers on your way back!"

With one last look the owl turned and took off powerfully, dipping between the trees with great elegance and surprising amount of ease for someone who's about to proclaim his love for someone.

     Man, I wish I had been that relaxed, I thought as I watched it disappear into the thick London mist. A few people pointed at the owl but it ignored them, flying away with an unmistakable determination in its eyes.

I couldn't help but feel slightly pleased with myself as I turned back to the steering wheel (, not caring about the fact that I just had a full conversation an owl and I don't actually know if it heard a word I said), though it only took a moment for the feeling disappear when I realised I was still headed to my girlfriend's cousin's wedding in the worst traffic London could possibly give anyone.

I sighed.

This is going to be a looong night.


After what seemed like hours I finally arrived at the Burrow, where the front lawn was already all set up for the wedding. Benches sprinkled with white rose petals were split into two lines, leading a purple carpet up to the altar which stood at a good distance in front of the benches. Over the altar a large arch stood with milky white roses and sprouts of violets.

People were already starting to mill around, chattering excitedly as they swigged some butter beer. Some wore elegant gowns and tuxedos, others a variety of bright colours with crazy looking top hats.

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