Chapter 21

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Yada yada yada could wait a week yada yada yada Happy new year yada yada yada author stuff


Safire P.O.V.

Sans has been gone for the a while now.

I heard something upstairs in his room but that might just be the tornado.

Papyrus the human is too busy not burning himself and Chelsea from his spaghetti to notice.

Him being a human has improved it though, since he can probably taste and digest.

As for Sans, he disappeared after our........ date.

I think he's my........ I'm his....... we're........ well, whatever.

Since it's late, I decide to go to sleep.

Making sure Paps won't set himself on fire, I took Chels upstairs to bed.

"Chelsea, if Sans and Papyrus became skeletons, how would you feel?" I asked her as I tucked her in.

"I would be sad."

My face fell.

"Because then I wouldn't be a skellie. And then we wouldn't be a family."

I almost cried.

"Chelsea, we are always a family."

I pecked her on the head before closing the door.

I head back downstairs to find Papyrus has gone into the guest room. I suppose that's his room now.

I turn on the tv and find an emergency broadcast.

A plane has crashed. Only two people have died. Their names are Peter and Brittany Anderson. We give the family our condolences.

The broadcast shut off.

I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs but Paps and Chels were asleep.

My only family is dead... oh poor Chelsea.


Saf? Are you ok?

Yeah, this probably hit you pretty hard.

I..... I can't.

I started to hyperventilate.

Woah woah woah calm down. BREATH.

I tried to slow my breathing without prevail.

I fall to the couch and hug my knees.

oh boy. Where is Sans when we need him?


Sorry it's short but like...... death so yeah.

Also, I know you guys are real but like, you know how people call their readers donuts or whatever?

Well non existent is your nickname.

Congrats you get to be addressed in a derogatory fashion.

Also, have a joke:

If someone says they are in distress, asks them "which dress?"

*insert snort*

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