The milkiness of the portal dissipated and the world around us compared to the original Martian background from earlier was so stark. The red Martian sands were replaced by flora that surrounded vex rock structures. It was oddly bright here; the air felt warm, comforting. "Where are we?" I asked putting my rifle on my back. I started looking around the area inspecting the plant life more closely. "I don't know, where ever we are, we aren't on any map of known space and time. I guess we just keep going." Ghost replied. The area was oddly beautiful. It felt dark, but I was at ease.
With my companions at my side, we ventured up a flight of stairs to see what looked like a massive maze ahead. Large concrete walls, divided by ravines down to a central plateau. "Where are we?" Cameron asked in amazement. "I can only assume that this is the Black Garden," I replied to her. We all sat there for a moment, in a sort of odd admiration of the scenery. It was a missing the forest for the trees moment. We knew why we were here, but we sought to look at this place and wonder for a few rapturous moments.
The green fields of flora had to have been tended to with care by something because the grass never grew past the height of the flowers. What was this place really? If what Cassandra stated earlier was correct then it was the home of the vex where they were born. But how could such a darkness come from a place of such majesty? Against my better judgment, I jumped off of the cliff that we were all standing on down to one of the massive concrete pillars. I looked back up to the two of them "HEY! COME DOWN HERE!" I yelled up to them.
Although slightly hesitant the two followed. "So what's our next move?" Cameron asked.
"I think that the heart of the black garden is inside of that mountain," I said pointing over to the plateau ahead of us. "It makes the most sense to put the treasure at the center of the maze right?" I asked them.
"Yeah, that makes sense. I don't think that there's anything we can do to get there quickly, however." Aaron replied counting his bullets.
I looked over at him oddly. "Don't you have a thing in your hud for that?" I asked him.
"Sometimes it counts it wrong," Aaron replied. "So how are we getting there?" He asked.
I looked in the direction of the plateau and looked at the size of the gaps. I could feel the void particles in the air in the direction of the other side. The chasm was about thirty meters across. I looked down and threw a grenade down there, and nothing happened. I took in and let out a deep breath. I took several steps back. "What are you doing?" Cameron asked.
I then took off at as fast as my legs could carry me, and I prepared to jump. As soon as I reached the edge I pushed myself off the ground I then pulled myself to the void particles on the other side of the chasm, 25 meters away. I started falling into the black abyss below, but I kept my focus all the while I could hear Cameron screaming my name. I then closed my eyes and pulled one more time. And there I was, on the other side of the chasm. "I'll get there this way," I told them over the comms.
"That was insane! You could have died!" Cameron yelled.
"Yeah, I could have. Thank you for carrying me through." I replied to her.
"Oh, it's nothing," I replied.
"I know you guys can't follow me. Just, stay safe alright." I said to them.
"JAMES DON'T," Cameron exclaimed.
"Cameron," I replied.
"I have to do this, and I'm not sacrificing anyone. Nobody dies here but me." I stated to her running off towards the plateau.
"James." She had said before I turned off the comms. I continued blinking across, from chasm to chasm. The plateau was growing ever larger and ominous. I will end the evil that lurks in this mountain if it is the last thing that I will ever do. I felt like the knights of old, climbing the final hill to claim their victory for their people and king. I have no king; I only have my people. I kept blinking, expecting larger resistance than those I had previously encountered. However there was oddly nothing there, it was only myself and the flora.

Shattered Past (A Destiny FanFiction) (UNDER REVISION)
FanfictionWhat if you woke up in a world where you didn't understand anything...if almost everyone answered your questions vaguely or cryptically? That is the life of James-17, an Exo who was just revived by a Ghost. James found himself in the plains of Old R...