chapter 3

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like i have been saying for the past few chapters i rushed to finish writing this book (( which i actl did )) bc i needed to satisfy jentae cravings asap and i didnt bother checking for mistakes or wtv so bleh


while walking with the three boys towards the canteen, i noticed many girls glaring at me. i shrugged it off and we were at the canteen shortly.

as soon as we stepped inside, a girl ran to us. she was having dark red hair with a tint of brown, i looked at the name tag and it said "kim jisoo".

"yah kim seokjin what took you so long? i want to eat so badly but i was waiting for you!" after a mini-quarrel between seokjin and jisoo, jisoo seemed to have noticed my presence. "oh i've never seen you before! my name's kim jisoo, what's yours?" i introduced myself once again and she smiled. "well, since taehyung, jungkook and my shitbag cousin are here, LET'S EAT!!!!!!" so she was the cousin of seokjin's taehyung was talking about. she seemed to enjoy eating as much as seokjin does and if was cute.

when jisoo & i were back with our food and the boys went to buy their food, i asked jisoo if she knew why so many girls were glaring at me when i walked with jungkook, taehyung and seokjin. she stopped eating and looked at me. after a while, she gave me a pitiful smile. "jennie-ah, though i just met you, i can tell that you're both fortunate and unfortunate.

"jin, jungkook and taehyung are the most popular boys in the school as they're smart and hot. almost every girl and heck, even some of the guys, are heads over heels for them. when i first talked to jin, everyone thought i was his girlfriend until someone found out we were just cousins. even now, some girls don't really like me... and that's probably the same for you too, jennie."

i then asked jisoo about taehyung helping me this morning and what i heard. she choked on her food in a very unlady-like way, earning weird stares from the other people near us.

after some gulps of water down her throat, jisoo told me, "jennie, taehyung only helps his close friends which means jin and jungkook. he doesn't even talk to me! if he talks to you, something about you definitely caught his attention."

i wanted to ask more questions but the boys came back with their lunch. taehyung once again smiled at me. "scoot there a little, jen." i quickly moved to my right, making space for taehyung. i noticed when jungkook wanted to sit beside him, he quickly moved a little and looked at jungkook. "yah kookie-ah, can't you see there's no space here, go sit with jin and jisoo."

jungkook looked at me and i just looked back at him. his hair was black and his hairstyle was the same as taehyung's, except his was neater.

the five of us chatted merrily and i found out jisoo was the same age as jin but she was in a different class. suddenly, taehyung turned towards me, grabbed my hand and put his pinky finger in front of it. "promise me we'll be friends!" i internally sighed, i guess i have no choice. if the girls in the class didn't like me, there was no way i'd be able to befriend them. besides, taehyung helped me. i smiled back at him and we locked our pinky fingers. he clapped his hands like a four-year-old receiving his favourite candy. how cute. after that, we exchanged our numbers and below taehyung's number there were a few words written by him. "TEXT ME ASAP JENNNN"

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