A/N: This blurb is a little bit different. It's still written for the reader (Y/N) but it's in Harry's POV like he's telling you about you and him.
"[Y/N]!" you heard me call from the kitchen.
"Yeah babe?" you yelled from your bedroom.
"What do you want for dinner?"
You slipped into your shorts and t-shirt, not bothering to put on a bra. You'd been living with me for years, and we were best friends. There was no reason for you to be modest around me. You walked into the kitchen, lightly drying your hair with a towel.
"What have we got?" you asked, my head behind the freezer door.
I stepped back, nearly knocking myself in the head as I looked at you. Jesus, you were beautiful. You were never really one to be high maintenance, but on the daily you always tried to look your best. If we ran into each other in the mornings before you left for work, I always told you how gorgeous you looked. You would smile and say "thanks babe," giving me a kiss on the cheek. If I took you out with me to a dinner party or some other industry function you'd look so amazing it would take my breath away. But this...this was my favourite. When you were freshly clean from the shower, your running shorts or a pair of sweats on, no makeup, your hair damp. You were absolutely stunning, and to be honest, I had a hard time not staring.
"Um..." I swallowed, "not much."
You shrugged. "Anything's fine with me. We can order pizza if you want."
Not waiting for a response, you walked back to the bathroom to hang your towel on the rod. Then returning to the living room, you plopped down on the sofa, grabbing the remote control. I watched you as I ordered pizza from my phone, then placed it on the counter.
"How was your day?" you asked me. You flipped through the channels before landing on Friends.
"It was okay," I shrugged, walking over to sit next to you.
"Just okay?" you raised a brow.
"Well, you know. Writing, studio time."
"Is the album coming along?" you inquired, adjusting yourself on the sofa so that you faced me, your elbow resting on the back. I adored the little things like that. They showed me you cared about me, and weren't just making small talk out of obligation.
"Yeah," I nodded with a grin. "It's coming along great. We have six tracks recorded now."
"Eeek!" you squealed, clapping your hands. "I can't wait to hear them! You will let your dear BFF hear them first, won't you?"
I chuckled. "Of course."
You smiled, reaching for my hand to squeeze. "I'm so excited, Harry!"
"Me too," I beamed. I couldn't help it. When you looked at me that way, my heart wanted to beat out of my chest.
We sat and watched Friends together, laughing at Phoebe getting hummus on her dress and Joey walking in with all of Chandler's clothes on. The pizza arrived and we ate it in front of the television. We ended up opening a bottle of wine, enjoying it with good conversation well into the evening. I loved watching your cheeks get pink from the alcohol, your eyelids slightly heavy. I wanted so badly to kiss you, but I knew you didn't feel that way about me. So just like every other night, I pushed the urge aside and continued with our friendly banter.
Finally around midnight, you rose from the couch to take our glasses to the kitchen. I sat back on the sofa, resting my eyes and silently wishing you'd either suddenly feel the same about me, or my own feelings would dissipate. I could hear your footsteps as you returned to the living room, stopping in front of me.

Fratboy Harry and Other Stories
FanfictionA collection of Harry Styles blurbs and short stories written by me in 2016.