Moth sat in her cell, clutching the bars tightly. Her chance at victory had fallen. Now-for sure- Puck was Sabrina's. Moth knew Puck didn't 'like-like' her, but they were friends before…right? Wrong. He escaped her every chance he had. If she talked to him, a bad comment came out of his mouth. When she just touched his shoulder by a millimeter, he would run towards the nearest mud bath and stay there for hours. At first, it was 'love', then soon it became power. Ruler of Faerie. Queen of the Trickster. She had liked the idea, but she never liked Sabrina Grimm. Sabrina had everything Moth wanted. And she didn't even know it. That was why Moth wanted to kill her so bad. Now she sat in her cell, glaring at the wall. Again. Just like when she poisoned Oberon and killed Cobweb.
She gritted her teeth as a figure popped into her room.
"What do you want?" She growled at the only-wearing-black girl. The girl had a black shoulder bag slung over her shoulder. The Mysterious Girl smiled wickedly.
"Why, didn't I tell you? I actually promised to visit you in this black hole." She said all so calmly. Moth glared at the girl.
"SO! It's not like you're going to get me outta here-" She paused, then a menacing expression crossed her face. She giggled insanely.
"ARE you going to get me outta here?" She said politely this time. The girl rubbed her chin thoughtfully.
"Hmm.." She mumbled. "It depends- do you know where Minerva Paradizo is?" Moth groaned.
"What is up with this girl?" She whined. Her companion glared at her.
"She is the key to my enemy's WEAKNESS!" The girl screeched, soon she heard the footsteps of people come closer. She huffed and glanced at Moth again.
"So? DO you know where she is?" Moth shook her head. The girl huffed and proceeded to get something from her shoulder bag. It was a helmet. The girl took three steps closer to Moth. The fairy backed away. The black haired girl chuckled.
"Why Moth? Are you scared? What happened to the murderous lunatic I teamed up with?" She stepped closer.
"BACK AWAY!" Moth screeched as her 'allie' put the helmet on her head. Moth tried to pry it off. The girl giggled manically.
"All I'm gonna do, you stupid little rodent, is erase your mid of me, so bye-bye Moth!" She said cheerfully. She pressed a little button in her hand…
Mustardseed stepped into the cell with his guards behind him. Moth was on the floor, breathing heavily. Mustardseed raised an eyebrow. He walked closer to the tired fairy, he shook her awake.
"Moth? It's time for your trial." She stirred. When she saw who had awaken her, she glared at Mustardseed.
"Fine! But haven't we gotten over with this before? I DID poison Oberon and kill Cobweb! Gosh!" Mustardseed looked confused.
"What about trying to kill Sabrina Grimm?" Moth groaned.
"SO! I tried to poison her, but Puck just HAD to save her. I mean, what's up with that?" Mustardseed seemed even more confused. Did she remember what just happened over the past few months?
"Moth? Do you remember what happened over the past few months?"
"Of course I do! I've been rotting in this stupid cell! I could've gotten my revenge on that stupid Grimm girl!" She yelled.
"Don't you remember? You broke out of your cell and almost killed Sabrina Grimm, I heard you 'killed' Sapphire Colette. You plotted against them with a girl who wore all black-" Moth cut him off,
"What? No! I WISH that would happen though. But I DO have a faint memory of a black girl…wait, no. No black girl." She said simply. Realization dawned on Mustardseed's face.
"You-you lost your memory." He stammered. It was so un-Mustardseed like, that Moth was shocked as well. She objected, "NO I didn't I would know perfectly well if I lost my memory!" She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. Mustardseed knew it was rude to be looking at people's chest, but this time it was necessary.
"Moth? What's that?" Moth looked to see he was pointing at her chest. She would call this rude and smack him mercilessly, but this time, it was necessary…
There was black paint on her chest…two letters written. The Letter O and K. You may think that it was just "OK" but it wasn't…it stood for the deadliest criminal of the fairies. And Opal would stop at nothing to kill. Especially Artemis Fowl.
A/N. *makes a face* Weird epilogue. But thank you all for reading -I didn't think people actually read this, and I'm sorry the epilogue was late -real late. I -sorta- thought I had posted, haha. :)
Um...do you guys seriously want a sequel? Because I think that'll be a few months (okay, a lot) away. I really don't like this story anymore, so there might not be a sequel at all. But, I'll think about it. Just don't expect anything anytime soon.
But if you really really want some more Sisters Grimm stories, PLEASE CHECK OUT MY FANFICTION ACCOUNT! http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2098600/Lara_D Seriously. There are far better stories on that site. Just stray away from my, "Carnivorous Carnival" story -that's appauling.
Happy Belated Valentines Day! ^^
Things Happen For A Reason
FanfictionFANFICTION As if Sabrina Grimm's life couldn't get anymore complicaed. A mysterious girl moves to Ferryport Landing. Puck seems to have ‘connections’ with her. Who is she? The discovery will lead to a more drastic mystery, twist and turns never stop...