The Refreshing Battle in Karuizawa!

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"Have a nice day!" I say kindly to the couple that were exiting the building.

"Your turn Haruhi." I told her. She nodded and greeted the next couple that entered.

"Hi, good morning!" 

"Who would've thought working in a bed and breakfast could be the ideal way to spend our summer?" Haruhi asked me. I shrugged.

"It's better than being forced to stay with the Vargas brothers because they ran out of pasta. Seriously, those boys need to learn how to take care of themselves." I said, making her laugh.

~Time Skip~

Haruhi and I were outside, hanging sheets and cloths on clotheslines to dry. I wore (what's in picture.) It was really peaceful until....

"HARUHI!!! Y/N!!!!!! Despair not! Daddy's come to save you!" Tamaki yelled from a helicopter, causing the sheets to fly off the lines and fly away. I facepalm. And facepalm again. And again. Until I got a headache. Then I continued facepalming.

~Time Skip~

"Oh my! What dashing young men you are! These hunks must belong to two girls!" Misuzu fawned over all of them...while I was still facepalming.

"Why don't you call me Misuzu-chi?" She/he said happily.

"He's an old friend of Ranka's. They used to work together at the same shop years ago." Kyoya informed everyone else.

"Well, naturally you would know." Tamaki said sort of calmly.

"Just kill me now." I said, still facepalming. Haruhi nodded.

 "I went into business for myself 2 years ago, and believe you me. Running this adorable little pension is like living a fairy-tale!" Misuzu started spinning around. Jeez, she needs to calm down.

"So then, are Haru-chan and Y/n-chan like your indentured servants?" I try not to laugh at Honey's cuteness.

"Their more like unpaid employees. This also happens to be Ranka's preferred method for keeping track of his daughter and her friend while he's busy working." Kyoya said. Seriously, who are his resources?! I am having a serious talk with Kiku!

"What the.. How do you know all of this stuff?" Tamaki asked, making a weird face and getting in Kyoya's personal space.

I just tune out at their rambling until Misuzu grabs Haruhi and started hugging us. "Oh, tell me what you boys think of this cute little apron they are wearing. I made them myself!" The apron was white with yellow fringe.

They all gave a thumbs up except Kyoya, who was writing in his notebook. "You are quite an exquisite seamstress." Tamaki compliments.

"Just kill me, please."

~Time Skip~

We were all outside, sitting at a table, talking. The twins were talking about how they invited us to Bolly, and Honey invited us to Switzerland, but we turned them both down to work with Misuzu. Tamaki suddenly burst out of bushes, looking really angry and kind of sadistic.

"Traitors. Asking Haruhi and y/n to go on a summer vacation with you behind my back. Have you no feeling of loyalty, of any solidarity? Togetherness is our guiding principle. I work myself to the bone upholding that and this is the thanks I get."  He falls to the ground, is he crying?

Both the twins ignored him and turned to us. "Why were your cell phones..."

"turned off?" Haruhi answers first.

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