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r u l e s
[ everything you'll need to know before you request ]
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r u l e s o f r e q u e s t i n g ›
› never, ever screenshot your graphic if i do post it. sometimes i'll be proud of it and want it to be in my portfolio, which is when i'll post it, but wait for a link or else quality will be messed up.
› even if i'm open, only request on the forms that are open, for the appropriate item. don't just think that i'm open for everything XD
› don't request unless you're okay with a wait. especially with banners, cause cover requests get first priority. i also take time on the graphic [generally] and can't do all requests in a day. it could take me two weeks or more to make it, but most of the time it's less than that.
› never undo payment. ever. it's rude and disrespectful, and totally disregards the time put into it by the designer. this does not just apply to me, but to every other designer out there.
› use the graphic for a minimum of two weeks. again, i made it so you could use it, not so you could just stash it. as soon as it is received [ i deliver an imgur link via pm ] you must post it/use it.
› don't become sad/angry if i deny. most of the time it's because i have no inspiration or because you didn't fill out the form correctly... which brings me to my next point.
› always fill out the entire form, unless it says optional. even then, just put n/a next to it. in fact, i now copy and paste the forms in the comment section for your ease.
› your book must be posted with at least four chapters. this is just so i know you're at least slightly committed and won't delete it two days later.
› don't request for somebody else. self explanatory.
› don't request when i'm closed. i have a life, which is why i have my own system for requesting. i take fifteen requests and then close for catch up, and then hopefully open the next week. these are each called rounds, and make my life much easier.
› please request on the correct form/chapter. this is just to keep things neat.
› your book must be posted for you to request a cover or a banner for it.
› don't request the same graphic from multiple people. it's just rude.
› be polite. i think this is self-explanatory.
› if you've gotten until here, the password is: graphically
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m e r c u r i e s ›
› if you are in youth elites, designer writers, graphic society or guild of graphics. you can also win a temporary mercury slot in my giveaways. mercuries have all types of advantages as they can request even when i'm closed, and do not have to complete payment!
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thank you!
mercurous [ash.]
the graphic book » closed!
RandomTHE GRAPHIC BOOK, my new and improved [and hopefully organized] area to show you what i can do in photoshop. ps, you can request sometimes. RA18 [ ] OPEN ; you may request all open forms to your heart's desire. [ ] OPEN SELECTIVELY ; not...