It was the day of my sixth birthday. It began as most other birthday's, or most days. I woke up to the smell of delicious fresh baking bread. The smell itself was temptation enough for me to jump out of my bed and run to the kitchen where Fiona would be preparing my birthday meal. Flora was standing near by at the single table we had in the cottage arranging books and parchment for my daily lesson. Even though I was the birthday girl they were still going to make me suffer. My only hope was that she wouldn't make me read Dante again. Mary was out, as her usual, working in the small garden we had outside. She treasured that time alone in the mornings, she always said that it made her calmer, more relaxed.
I clambered in, as per my usual in the mornings, with sleep still heavily weighing on me. I would first kiss Fiona on the cheek before stealing a pinch of what she was cooking at the time. She would sigh exasperatedly at me and swat me away telling me I needed to have patience. I would then happily saunter over, with my prize between my fingers, to the table and give Flora a kiss on her cheek while she pulled out the lesson for the day. Mary would soon walk in with her hands and apron caked in dirt only to come and wipe some of it lovingly across my face. I always thought it was funny when she did that. It bothered Flora more than anything. She would exasperatedly shoo Mary away and shout at her that it was impertinent of her to do such a thing. Then she would look at me with a warning in her eyes and make me wash before I was again allowed to come back in to start my work. She did always make me finish a good portion of my lesson before she would allow me to eat, and if I wasn't ready to eat then no one was ready to eat. So, the longer I took the longer all my godmother's would have to wait until they could eat. And nobody could be crankier than Mary if she didn't eat on time.
After we finished breaking our fast and I finished my lesson for the day my godmother's and I would get ready to take our yearly trip to the castle. I never really knew what my godmother's did when we went. I just knew I loved going. I was free to run through the big open gardens, which were usually caked in snow, and played with the other kids I usually encountered there. Since it was the one time out of the year I was able to see other kids, I relished it. Not to mention that my uncle Stephan and aunt Rose always took me for a ride and picnics when I was there.
But that year was different. That was the year I met Phillip. At first sight I didn't think much of him. He was a good five years older than I was and gangly. He almost sneered at me when I first looked at him. His father was standing next to him with his arm draped across his shoulders and beaming proudly in my direction. Flora was with me when she made the introductions, never mentioning he was a prince. I went on for years thinking he was just another kid like me.
"This is Aurora," Flora said while I held my hand up like she taught me. Phillips face scrunched in disgust but otherwise took my hand in his and brought it to his lips.
"My lady" he said derisively.
"You can go on and play, Aurora. I am going to speak and show these guests to your uncle and aunt."
"Thank you Flora," I jumped and kissed her on the cheek before I ran to the gardens.
I faintly heard Flora shouting at me, "keep your cloak on or you'll catch a chill."
"Yes, Ma'am" I shouted back.
"And don't run, it's not lady like."
When I got to the gardens I ran straight to Naomi, whom I called Nami. She was my oldest and dearest friend at the castle. I always looked forward to seeing her. "Nami, I'm here!"
"Ari" she exclaimed back. She ran to me and I gave her a big hug.
"What you doing?"
"Oh, I'm just piking up pretty leaves for my mom. She likes the red ones. I'm going to have a baby brother, or that's what daddy keeps saying."
"You're so lucky, I want a baby brother. I hate being all alone."
"You aren't alone, you have your godmothers."
"I know. Hey, guess what godmother Mary gave me." I pulled out my little bow she just bought for my birthday. Nami's eyes went big like saucers.
"Can we use it?"
"Of course silly, that's why I brought it!"
"Show me how!"
We took turns shooting a tree that was hidden from most in sight. I knew Mary gave me the bow to use, but she also told me not to use or practice with it unless she or one of my other godmothers were there. Besides, if they found out that I was using it with Nami and trying to "teach" her. I would have gotten in trouble with her parents as well.
It wasn't long before Phillip came to ruin our fun. He stuck his head into the trees right as Nami and I hid the bow behind us. He eyed the two of us suspiciously.
"What are you doing?"
"Nothing." I answered haughtily.
"Sure you are."
"You are welcome to play with us if you like."
"No way, I don't play little kid games anymore." He made a snide smirk.
"Then why ask us what we are doing if you aren't interested? Besides, we're not playing little kid games." I shot back and Nami echoed a strong "yeah" right next to me.
"Oh yeah, what would two little girls be playing other than little, baby kid games?" He reached over and yanked one of my golden braids.
"You're mean!" I shouted at him and pushed him back.
"You are no lady."
"So, neither are you."
"Well— you're a baby."
"No more than you are. Go away, we don't like you." I raised my chin for an extra effect of haughty arrogance.
It went something similar to that for the next few years. It wasn't long after Nami and I tried our best to avoid him at all costs. When we would see him coming around the corner we made a mad dash for it in the other direction. When we were outside we made sure we played out of sight so he wouldn't find us. If we ran past a castle guard we would beg and plead with them not to tattle on us about where we were going to Phillip. We were pretty good at avoiding him for the most part. There were the occasional accidental run-ins. However, no matter what I was unfortunately forced to recognize he existed by Flora who made us greet each other at least once before we left the castle at the end of the day. She would always tell me I needed to be more friendly toward him. I never really listened, I was young and he was rude.
But other than meeting the then deplorable Phillip everything went back to normal. On the day of my birthday we would take a trip to the castle. I would see my aunt and uncle who took me riding or to a picnic outside in the garden maze. They were lovely people and I sometimes wondered why they didn't take care of me instead of my godmothers. Not that I wanted to leave them, I loved them with everything in me, but I always thought it would be grand to live with my aunt and uncle and be able to play with Nami all I wanted. They also always gave me treats. But things never really changed until a fortnight before my eighteenth birthday.
Historical FictionAurora is a simple country girl whom on her birthday took a day trip to the castle. On her eighteenth birthday a series of unaccountable events happen. To start with she and her three godmothers take an extended trip to the castle where her uncle th...