Tony Stark-Training you dumbass!

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"So I'll see you tomorrow morning?" Y/N asked with a smile towards Steve. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her in for a hug. "Nine o'clock sharp, don't be late." With that Steve pulled away and gave Y/N a kiss on her cheek.

Tony watched the two fellow Avengers, his two friends from behind the bar. The sound of Y/N's laugh rang through his ears all of a sudden, and it played over in his mind like a broken record. "Oh come on Steve, that was one time!" She yelled before spangles had rolled his eyes and walked away.

Tony was never the one to be jealous of anyone, especially Steve and Y/N. Hell they were closer than ever after the battle, even if she was on Stark's side. But the constant hugging, kisses on the cheek, and Steve being the one to make her smile made Tony really jealous. For years now Tony had desperately longed to be the one to make Y/N smile, or to feel her skin just beneath his fingertips, even a kiss on her lips would do. He knew he couldn't have her, she was way out of his league. She was perfect, and he wasn't.

"You alright there Tony?" The billionaire had come out of daze when he heard her sweet voice, a barely visible blush appearing on his toned cheeks.

"Yup. Yeah. Totally fine. Are you okay Y/N?" Tony took one last slip of his bourbon before he put the glass in the sink. He never really liked the taste of bourbon, but he sure did love the toxic burn that traveled down his throat.

With a scoff she sat down on the counter and leaned her head against the cabinet. "Honestly no I'm not. Steve was working me real hard in there, I definitely won't be able to feel my legs tomorrow." Thank god Tony didn't have anything in his mouth, he would have choked and fainted. Maybe her and Steve really were a thing, if Steve was working Y/N hard then maybe he had underestimated Capsicles ability to please a woman.

"How so?" Crossing his arms over his chest he leaned against the wall and watched her take slow, deep breaths. He could look at her all day.

"Well for starters I had to roll out of bed early this morning because Steve needed me. Today was really hard, I mean we went pretty rough and I think I've got a bruise on my hip." Tony continued to listen to her, despite him wanting to gag in his mouth every second. That's when the wheels in his head started to turn. If Steve could make Y/N feel like a goddess, then so could Tony.

"I'm pretty sure I could beat Cap without a doubt." Tony then noticed Y/N raise an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

"Oh yeah, definitely." He walked closer to her, he could feel his heart beginning to race fast in his chest that he was sure he was having a heart attack. But he didn't mind this feeling at all, the feeling of being high on love with a beautiful woman who could kick ass in the day and eat two tubs of ice cream at night.

Little did he know that she felt the same way.

"I've got a few moves I could show you." Tony spoke softly, he was standing right in front of Y/N now, his fingers crawling up her thighs.

"What kind of moves are you talking about?"

"Sweetheart, you know what I mean." This is all he had to do, he had to be who he used to be with the ladies.

That all backfired however when he was pushed back and a scowl on Y/N's face.

"What the hell are you doing Tony?!"

This wasn't supposed to happen

"I-I...uh, isn't this what you and Cap have been doing?" He was starting to question himself now, did he have it wrong all along?

"No! I was training you dumbass!"

All of a sudden he was ashamed of himself, and embarrassed. With the way she spoke, he had assumed that Steve and Y/N were "fonduing" as Cap liked to call it. But damn was he wrong. Then he had just made a move on the girl he loves, and he was pushed away. Tony wouldn't dare to look her in the eye now, he could only muster up a weak apology and kept his eyes glued to the hideous tile he laid himself.

"Tony, you don't need to apologize. I mean the least you could do is ask me on a date first before you decide to jump in my pants." Immediately he looked up with wide eyes only to see Y/N blushing a deep red and no sign of a lie on her face.

"S-So you wanna go on a date...with me?" He asked pointing at himself, he felt like a school boy all over again with the stuttering. But when she giggled, Tony couldn't have been more at ease, he made her laugh.

"Of course I do, I have for a long time now."

With a sigh of relief, Tony finally smiled. This is what he has been wanting.

"I'll pick you up at six tonight, we'll go down to that restaurant on 5th. And uh, wear that blue dress, you look gorgeous in it."

-really shitty ending but idc, I just needed to update. I hope this was funny to you guys, I mean something a little dirty here and there is good for the sould right? Also I'm sorry that it's short.

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