A/n: Since they are in Italy, I will switch up the font. ALSO, BEWARE OF GRUESOME DETAILS.
Normal for Italian.
Bold for Japanese.
3rd Point of View
Giotto opened the door of the infirmary loudly, nearly breaking it but he ignored it, he opted to look for the Sun Guardian who entered several minutes after him.
Knuckle made a quick check at her.
"She has many cuts, some are deep, the rest, thankfully, are not. 3 broken ribs and a broken arm. She lost some blood but it's not critical. It will take a lot of time but I'll manage but for now, get out of the room, Giotto" Knuckle ordered.
Giotto was about to protest but one look at Knuckle made him stop. He was glaring at him.
Giotto immediately exits the room, shivering too. Jeez, how scary are his guardians?
He then saw almost all his guardians waiting outside the room, Daemon is the only one missing. G stepped up "How is she?" He asked.
"Bad. But Knuckle said he can heal her, it may take some time though... " He said worried
"While we wait, tell us what happened, Giotto." Asari coaxed the man to sit down while the rest of his guardians surround them, with Alaude leaning against the wall, not far from them.
One hour later.
After the longest hour in his life, Giotto gets to finally learn something about the woman, as soon as Knuckle opens the door with an exhausted face, he bolted out of his seat and raced to him like an eager dog wanting to take a walk.
"How is she?" He asks, anxiously. "It was worse than I though but I managed. All her wounds are all patched up now and she's sleeping. It'll be hard for her to move to the maximum, so we need to put a maid near here all the time." Knuckle informed.
Giotto sighed relieved. He doesn't know but he felt attracted to that girl. "Can I see her?" He asks. Knuckle nodded "Yeah you can. But don't wake her up, she's been through enough, that poor lady. I'll head to the prayer room to pray for her".
Giotto sits down on the chair and gazes at the unconscious woman with concern, but mostly relieved that she's not at the death's door, wondering who could've done such a thing.
He catches her chapped lips moving and leaned down, intent to catch some words.
"Minna...Gomen..." she mumbled and under her lashes, tears are gathering.
He clenched his jaws tightly, but his eyes are sad, his heart ached for the girl who lost everything. The one who did this to her will pay big time.
Gulping, he thought of something that he never thought before ok his whole life.
He kissed her forehead lightly.
Her pained face slowly vanished but a lone tear went down the delicate swell of her cheek. Giotto smiled at the progress and stands up, he pats his pants for invisible dust and smooths the woman's hair with a gloved hand.
"Wake up soon, Miss" he mumbled and left the room.
If he stayed for a moment longer, he could've the small content smile that the woman had when she heard his soothing voice.
"I learned that she's Japanese" Giotto said during their monthly meeting, Asari perked up and looks at his friend, interested "Japanese, de gozaru?".