1.4 - the promise

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**Chapter Fourteen - The Promise

"D-Draco?! Wh-What are you d-doing here?"Harry stammered,completely shocked.Although,he wasn't complaining,he absolutely missed Draco.

"Well,I work work here,"said Draco disgruntedly."Oh! Oh no! I was in a wrong room! I thought this was an office! It turns out,this was a dating area! I'm sorry,my bad.."Draco said,mocking.

Harry sighed."Er-um,Vince? Um,thanks for the offer but we need to talk so,maybe next time?"

"Sure,Harry.See you some other time."He smiled then Disapparated.

"Wow,nicknames.How very nice..you two seems awfully close.Snogged him yet?"Draco retorted,his tone still mocking.

"What?! Are you crazy?!"Harry exclaimed,he shook his head."You-argh,I mean.What are you doing...here?,"Harry trailed.

Draco scratched the back of his head then stand firmly."Well,you see I found some err-inspiration from someone.So I came back here." He blushed faintly. "But I guess,I'm too late,eh?"Draco tried to hide the sadness in his tone,but wasn't entirely succeeded.


"No,Harry.I'm not good enough for you.Even if we..love each other,I'm just not enough for you." Draco smiled painfully."You're Harry Potter,the Boy Who Lived.The wizarding world's hero.And me,I'm Draco Malfoy.A Deatheater,Harry.We're not compatible."

Harry went quiet."You're right,I'm too enough for you,"Harry stated,his voice thick and hard."Because me,I'm not afraid to take chances.I don't care about what they think,Draco.I don't care about them,I just want to be with you.Was that too much too ask?,"His voice cracked,and tears started to stream on his face.

Draco stared at the peach wall,then something hit him,like a hammer.Voices echoing in his mind,telling him to be brave.

Then,Draco slowly lift Harry's face,facing his confused face.Then their lips met in a describable way,syncing perfectly.Draco cupped Harry's face,Harry put his hands on Draco's waist.

Harry smiled,then deepen the kiss,exploring as much as possible his mouth.When the two lack oxygen,they pull away and grinned goofily.

"I love you,Harry.I'm sorry for being coward.I'll be brave,for you,"Draco smiled softly,never been so much happy in his life.

"It's okay,I love you too,"Harry kissed his cheek.Draco blushed profusely.


Harry and Draco were planning to spend Christmas together,since it's two weeks away.But they had to take risks,a very dangerous one.

Hermione Weasley.Hermione's the only person who know Harry's so-called crush for Draco.Eversince their teenage years,Hermione's been pushing him to confess.But Harry being Harry,never did it.

He went to her office,facing a haggard-looking Hermione,writing a letter.

"Hermione?"Harry asked and knocked the wooden door,although it's open.

"Oh,hey Harry! I didn't expect you to come.C'mon seat,"Hermione said,tiredness present in her eyes.

Harry took a seat."What's that?,"He pointed to the letter Hermione was currently writing.

"Oh,it's nothing.Just Hugo causing troubles on school.I swear,he was just like his father!"She shook her head,Harry smiles."So,why are you here? I don't suppose you came here with no reason at all?"She smiled mischievously.

Harry smiled shyly."Well,you see.I really need to do this! Please don't be mad! I just can't help it,Hermione! It just...happened! And I don't know how or when or argh-I'm really sorry Herm-"Harry rambled.

"Harry,you're rambling.Just tell me what happened."Hermione replied,a glint of worry in her face.

"I need your Time-Turner,"Harry breathed.

"What? Why?"Hermione asked curiously.

"I-well I got to.."

"Harry Potter,tell me right now.What is it?"Hermione warned.

Harry sighed."Draco and I,w-we're spending Christmas,but I got to spend it with Ginny,"Harry whispered,ashamed of himself.

"What? You and Draco?"Hermione exploded."But-how? H-Harry,that's wrong! You know it!"

"I know,Hermione."

"Then why are you doing this?!"Hermione demanded.

"Because I love him,Hermione! I love him so much,it fucking hurts! I just,want to be with him!"Harry yelled,and cast a silencing spell,doing it in his mind."I've waited for so long for this! Hermione,please.I promise I-"Harry closed his eyes.

"I promise that this relationship....it won't last long,"


Hiiiiiiii.Sorry for the late update.Blame the writer's block and wifi.mywifi has been out for like almost 2 months .-.

I know this chap is really sad but it just ended this way.Im so evil i even made hermione so mean im sorry omfg :-D

PLEASEEE VOTE AND COMMENT I REALLY APPRECIATE IT GUYS :-) (admit it,smiley faces with nose in it is much better)

-freakish girl xo

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