The kiss was magical. Literally. A swoosh of magic admitted from us. I remember. Oh my fucking god. Killian.
"Killian!" I say as I kiss him again. "We broke the curse." I say probably with a overbearing smile.
"Yes we did my love. God I love you." He says as he kisses me again.
"I love you more." I say.
"Impossible." He says as we kiss again. Then I remember. Odette!
"Killian Odette is in there with your brother." I say as we both rush into the room. Everyone was hugging.
"Emma! Someone broke the curse!" Snow says as she hugged me.
"I know. It was Killian's and I. We kissed on the door step and the curse broke." I told her with a smile.
"I knew it. True love!" My mother yells.
"But we already knew that!"
"You did?" She asks.
"It's a long story. Right now I need to find Odette." I say as I walk away from her.
I see Killian looking for Odette in the other room. Then I see it. Milah has my baby in her arms in the hallway. She's strangling her.
"Get away from my baby!" I scream. Milah looks up evilly.
"Once this baby is gone Killian and your relationship will be over." She snickers.
"Please. Don't kill my baby. You can talk to Killian. Please just let me have my baby." I plead. "You really want a innocent death on your hands." I say as I'm slowly walking closer. She seems to losses her grip a bit and Odette starts screaming.
Killian rushes in just as Milah was about to drop the baby. He slides over just in time to catch Odette. Milah looks back in horror. Odette wasn't crying. She wasn't even moving.
"What have you done?" I say with tears steaming down my face.
"I.... I..... I didn't mean to. I was just trying to scare you. I wasn't actually going to kill her." She says tears rolling down her face as well.
Killain has Odette in his arms and he's crying.
"But you might have. Killian. Let me see her. Maybe I can help." I say. He slowly walks over to me.
"I have To go." Milah says as she starts to run.
"You son of a bitch." Killian says as he runs after and tackles her.
I check for a pulse on my baby. She has one.
It's faint but it's there. Everyone was crowding around now. No one asked what happened. I saw David and Robin go help Killian. My mother was running my back as I was breathing air into my baby's lungs."Come on little love. Please. For me. For daddy." I say in between spurts of air. She starts to move a bit. I hear little Daniel start to cry and see Regina rush towards him.
I just cradle my barely alive baby to my chest as I cry. She's alive. She's breathing. I can see he red marks over her neck.
"I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch." I say.
"Emma. No you won't. Revenge isn't the answer. Odette is breathing. She's gonna be fine. Right now you need to take your daughter to the hospital." My mother tells me.
I nod. I get up and everyone's crying. Even Liam is still there and he's got tears in his eyes.
"Killian." I say heartbroken.
"Killian. She's alive. We need to get her to the hospital." I says he runs over.
"Let's go swan." He said.
"Here ill magic you over." Regina says as she flicks her wrist.
Me and Killian are now in the hospital. Its pretty empty. There are just a few nurses.
"We need our daughter looked at right away!" I say to the receptionist.
"Name and what the problem is." The receptionist replies very dull. She looks up from the computer and notices it's me.
"Oh sorry miss swan what seems to be the problem with little Odette. Was it another seizure?" She asks.
Killian looks confused and worried out of the corner of my eye.
"No she was almost strangled to death." I say. The receptionist quickly gets on the phone and calls someone to get her.
"She has seizures?" Killian asks clearly concerned.
"It only happened once. She hasn't had one in two months. They aren't even sure it was a seizure." I tell him.
"My poor little baby." He says as kisses Odette's head. Odette isn't moving when the doctors come. Her eyes are closed but she's breathing.
"We need oxygen mask on stat." The doctor called as the nurse quickly grabbed a small mask and put it on the baby. The doctor tells us to wait outside of the room.
When the doctor finally comes out. I ask. "Is she okay?"
"She's in a coma." He says. I just break down.
Killian hold me up clearly trying to stay strong.
"When is she gonna wake up?" He asks.
"It could be anywhere from a day to a year. It's very difficult to tell. She's not brain dead but she does seem to have some brain damage seeing that she's in a coma. We won't know everything until she wakes up. She has some brain activity so hopefully she'll wake up in the next few days." The doctor says. "I'm very sorry but I have to go to another patient. You can go sit in there with her."
"My baby girl is in a coma." I ah into Killian's chest. I can feel his tears hitting my head. His shirt is soaked with my tears as we enter her room. She's in one of those Nicu beds for premature babies.
"My baby." I say. She's hooked up to multiple machines for her breathing and heart rate. She also has a machine measuring her Brian activity. Both me and Killian just sit there and cry.
_______________________________well that was depressing. 980 words for you. I cried a lot writing this. I feel like others won't cry but by writing this I feel like I'm with them and it breaks my heart. I feel like a terrible person for making Odette in a coma.
I hope you enjoyed. By my loves. 😘

Captain Swan: Fighting our demons
FanfictionEmma learns something that makes her want to run. How will Killian react? Her boyfriend of 3 years. How will her 16 year old son react, Henry. How will all of storybrooke react? How will her parents react? Will Killian leave her? Emma thinks he wil...