Chapter 17: Arise, Voldemort

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The dark and sinister Dark Forest lured Percy in like a moth drawn to a flame. He stumbled unconsciously deeper and deeper into the forest while hissing, snakelike voice emitting from within only grew louder. 

The inhumane sound grew louder and more distinct as he crept nearer and nearer. Percy held his wand in front of him, ready to attack if any destruction struck.


Percy whipped his head around. "Who's there? Show yourself!" Percy demanded, resisting the urge to light up the whole forest so as to not draw attention.

"Percy this is the great fallen hero..." the voice mused, mockery laced in it.

"Stop being a coward and show yourself!" Percy roared, his wand beginning to shoot out red sparks.

"Now, now, Perseus. Don't get hasty...let's play a game, shall we?" the voice cackled, sending chills down Percy's spine. Percy growled. "Leave Hogwarts. Now. Before I end you." 

The person cackled. "I'm terrified. Truly."

A shape began to form in front of Percy and it was not long before it formed into a person, a person who was supposed to be six feet under and dead. He was in flesh and blood and there was no mistaking him. 

"Nice to finally meet you, Perseus Jackson."


Harry fell to the ground, clutching at his scar while he convulsed, his body wracked with pain. "Harry! Harry, wake up! Bloody 'ell, mate!" Ron yelled, fear decorating the ginger's face while Harry's face was white, a sheen of sweat beading his forehead. 

The Gryffindor Dormitory was alight, everyone gathered around Harry while Hermione went to fetch McGonagall. Harry bolted up, gasping for air. He rolled onto his side and threw up all over the floor. "GET HELP! THE DARK FOREST! HE'S-HE'S HERE!" Harry gasped, his eyes wide with fear and his breath coming out in pants. 

Harry's body suddenly jerked, the scar on his forehead turning a dark red. Hermione gasped. "Is that BLOOD?" 

Blood began to trickle from his scar as Harry screamed profanities and shouted incoherent words. But no one could do anything to help him; they all watched on helplessly as their hero slowly faded in front of them. 

"Clear the way! Professor McGonagall is here!" A year 5 Gryffindor prefect yelled. Everyone hustled to make way as Professor McGonagall came running in, worry etched into her face. Wrinkles lined her face and stress was evident on her aged face. 

"Potter! Keep still! The spell won't work if you keep moving!" McGonagall shouted. Harry gritted his teeth as pain shot through his whole body. He had never felt such pain in his entire existence. 

McGonagall muttered a few words and the pain ceased temporarily. Harry gasped for air, leaning back as he made a desperate attempt to regain his wits.

"Guys! Please! You've got to help Percy! He's stuck in the Dark Forest, and-and he's going to die if you don't help him!" Harry burst out, evident fear etched into his face. Professor McGonagall frowned temporarily before she contacted the teachers, sending out commands to take a few students to proceed to the Dark Forest.

"Harry! What happened? You haven't had pain like this ever since-" Hermione began before a look of horror overtook her face.

Everyone had worried, scared and confused expressions plastered on their faces.

Harry confirmed her fears. 

"He's back, Hermione. This time for good. There's nothing to hold him back- no horcruxes, no secret weapons. We're doomed."


Percy cocked an eyebrow. "Man, and I thought you couldn't get any uglier from the descriptions."

Voldemort roared. "I will destroy you, Perseus!" 

Percy yawned in the face of death (and his horribly stinky death breath). "Yes, yes, fantastic to know. Can we just get to the part where we fight, I win, and you crawl back into your little hole to recuperate before we fight again and I'll, as usual, beat your ass?" 

The Dark Lord was stunned. After all the rumors of the betrayed, cast-off son of Poseidon, he had expected the boy's spirit to be broken, yet it was burning brighter than before- burning with a vengeance for revenge against all who had wronged him. Percy, in a way, reminded Voldemort of his younger days- headstrong, strong willed and an individual that believed he could accomplish anything. 

Voldemort wanted him by his side when he took over the world.

"Tell me, Perseus...I do not wish to fight you, but merely to offer you a deal. Join me. I will spare your Slytherin friends and all those you care for. Refuse my prepared to face ultimate damnation. Choose, Perseus. I trust you will not make the wrong choice."

Percy debated his offer and Voldemort could literally see the cogs and wheels turning in your head. Finally, Percy nodded. Voldemort smirked internally- he knew Perseus would accept his offer.

"You're right, Voldemort. I will not make the wrong choice." With that, Percy summoned red and green sparks from his wand.

"Care to dance?"



- more chapter. 

I can't believe I started this book two years ago. Thanks for your everlasting support and for continuing with me throughout the series of events that played out in this book. Even though some of you are new, I thank y'all equally. Dreaming Alone would be nowhere without all of you. Thanks for staying with this book even though it has had horribly written story plots/cringy grammar/spelling errors and the many months I take to update. 

Until the last chapter. 

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