Changing the Game

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  "So Spark-E is almost done with the disk?" Riley 07 asked as he walked with Dot-E.

"Yes... Should be soon... and the sooner the better."

Riley 07 nodded. "With what he found... it really will... I can't believe it... a program that can finally set things back to the way they were."

Dot-E nodded. "Yeah... hard to believe."

"Riley 07!"

Riley 07 looked to see MA-ru running up.

"What is it?"

"It's Hornet 51, he was just brought in unconscious and wounded."

Riley 07's eyes went wide. "What?! What happened?!"

"We're working on that, he's stable thankfully but Lightning 95 is no where to be found and he's not responding to any radio contact."

Riley 07 growled. "This has Nero written all over it..."

"Think he's been taken hostage?" Dot-E asked.

"It's a possibility since Lightning 95 is not responding to radio contact and the fact Hornet 51 was brought- Wait... brought here? Who brought him here?"

"We don't know, he was dropped basically at our front door and the others just found him there."

"... Now that doesn't sound like Nero. Last I recall Lightning 95 and Hornet 51 were on patrol around the Fire Wall borders... If Nero had captured Lightning 95 he would've taken Hornet 51 as well, especially since he's an MCP."

"Maybe he's trying to mess with us?" MA-ru suggested.

"Maybe..." Riley 07 sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Look, I'm gonna take a patrol out to scan the city, tell Ranger 301 to have his team on high alert while I'm out."

MA-ru saluted. "Copy that."

Riley 07 looked to Dot-E. "And Dot-E... be sure Crophopper 7 is safe."

Dot-E nodded. "Will do."

Riley 07 nodded back before leaving, the other two programs going their separate ways. Dot-E searched around the base till she found Crophopper 7. He was out on the training area, testing out his Light Jet, getting his flying fix as it were.

Coding to his machine form may be disconnected, but the need to fly is still there... I can't blame him. Programs like him were written to fly... Not being able to do that goes against everything they were meant to do.

Dot-E decided to leave him to his devices, but made sure to stay close by the training area just in case.

Crophopper 7 dived through the air, making more patterns with his Light Ribbons.

May not be perfect... but it's better than nothing... Can't wait till I can do it naturally. I'm staying a plane as long as I can once I'm all fixed up.

He decided to make a landing to rest. He sat down, staring at the band on his wrist.

Hasn't gone off once... and I haven't had a glitching episode... Wonder why....

"That was quite the flying up there, even for a Light Jet."

Crophopper 7 looked up, seeing a young female program before him with short dark brown hair and dark skin. Her glow marks were the standard faint light blue color.

"T-Thanks..." His own glow marks lit up a bit more as he blushed. "I didn't realize I had an audience... Miss...?"

"Ishani 6." she answered, giving a bow. "I was passing by and saw you flying and wanted to see who it was."

"I'm known as Crophopper 7." He gave a bow in return. "I've been practicing with it for awhile now... Had the toughest teachers but it was worth it."

"Not the same as doing it as plane is it?" She sat down beside him. "Not the same feeling?"

Crophopper 7 sighed as he gave a nod. "It's not the same... I get to fly... I get the rush... But... Piloting something and being able to control your own body... It's..." He looked at his hand as he clenched it into a fist. "It's freedom... Freedom I don't have anymore..."

"I know what you mean." Ishani 6 put a hand on his shoulder. "Before Nero came... I always loved flying around the system just for fun... I had a sense of freedom being in the air... Then when Nero did come... It hasn't been the same... being grounded... it's like being chained."

"Chained down is right..." He looked at the bracelet and narrowed his eyes. "And I can't take this thing off either... I feel fine but they're insisting..."

"Well... it's not wise to argue with medics. The one who takes care of me would have a fit if I did something to hurt myself."

"You got a point there..." He cringed remembering some of MA-ru's reactions. "I got two... One really cranky one and the other well... She's got her own flair... It's just frustrating... I can't even remember my directive-"

"Anti-virus." Ishani 6 cut in.


Ishani 6 pointed the Jolly Wrench crest on his armor collar.

"Your glow marks and that insignia speak of you being an Anti-virus program. Just the like the Wrenches... but something tells me you're a bit different. Your armor is unique, not matching those of the superhornets or corsairs."

"I was modeled after what's known as a cropduster."

"I see... Hm... Interesting choice... Brody08 probably had something key to basing you off that kind of plane and not some war plane... interesting..."

"I know it was important... That I was supposed to be based off of someone strong for my key strengths like my flight... But most of those memories are just... Gone..." He ran a hand through his hair giving a frustrated sigh. "I can't even remember when I came online... I vaguely remember part of his orders but that's it!"

Ishani 6 squeezed his shoulder. "Easy..."

I probably shouldn't do this... but he needs help... and I need him to trust me.

She raised her free hand, running is along the black mark on Crophopper 7's right cheek. Some sparks went from her fingers into the marks. There was a small shock of energy that went through Crophopper 7 as something came back to him.

"Hello Crophopper 7... I am your creator... Brody08... and you're gonna make some big changes."

He gasped eyes widening a little as he looked to her. "I... I remember that moment... But how?" He looked to her hand growing curious. "... How did you do that?"

"I'm an oddly designed program. Brody08 coded me to be a revitalizing program... unfortunately I can't fully heal, my coding is faulted so I can only do some bits. My main purpose was to restore memories to programs who lost them... but once again... due to faults..." She glanced to the side. "I'm not the best program for the job."

"Hey..." He tilted her gaze back to his. "You managed to bring back something... Something that's more than I have right now. Thank you."

Ishani 6 got a touched look in her eyes. "Y-You're welcome... Never been thanked before..."

Crophopper 7 smiled gently. "Well then... Thank you again Ishani 6."

She giggled. "You're very kind..."

Beep beep beep

Ishani 6 looked down to her arm guards seeing one of the lights go off.

"Erm... one moment."

She turned her attention to her radio.

"What is it?" she asked.

Crophopper 7 couldn't hear who she was talking to, but she sounded rather concerned.

"Please tell me you got it... Alright... I see... Okay... Be sure to let FiN know... I'm working on it... I know I know I'll try as fast as I can and hopefully before he tries anything... Okay... Be safe."

She turned off her radio, looking back to Crophopper 7.

"Sorry about that..."

"It's fine... Friends of yours?"

"Something like that..." Ishani 6 glanced to the ground. I need to get him out of here and to FiN...

"Tell me something... have they made any progress on fixing your coding?"

"As far as I know... No." Crophopper 7 sighed. "They won't tell me anything."

"Well... that's annoying. You have every right to know what they're doing with your disk."

"Apparently I don't..."

Ishani 6 looked around before turning her attention back on him.

"Listen... I may not be much help... But I know someone who can... and I promise they can fix you."

Crophopper 7 looked around as well before raising an eyebrow. "How?"

"They're friends of mine... they've devoted a lot of time to unraveling things Nero has invented... they have the reconfigure process cracked."

"... I'm in."

"Come with me then." She stood up, offering a hand to him. "We're gonna have to do some traveling though."

He took her hand standing with her. "Good thing I have a Light Jet then."

Ishani 6 grinned. "Let's go."

She lead him away, heading for the exit of the base. In the shadows a figure watched them go. He grinned, seeing them leave with ease.

"Everything is falling into place..." He whispered.

He looked down at the disk in his hands, pleased with himself that he was able to obtain it.

"Now the real game begins."


"So you see? Are intentions are not what you'd think they be." FiN finished, looking to Lightning 95. "We're all for getting rid of Nero, including our boss."

Lightning 95 ran a hand through his hair. "This is just nuts... and to think THAT guy is your boss... just... wow... cannot compute that..."

"He's a good actor, he fooled everyone."

FiN lead Lightning 95 into another room where a few other programs were milling about getting work done.

"MA-ter?" he asked.

A program holding a digital pad came over. He was more casual in his attire which deemed him more of a research program than warrior.

"Yes FiN?" he asked.

"Is everything ready?"

MA-ter nodded. "Yep, we just finished the last touches on the tech. Once Crophopper 7 is here we can restore his coding, and thankfully half the battle has been done for us by the other programs... I still feel kind of bad we had to steal from them..."

FiN sighed. "Not like we had a choice... one look at a rogue and it's instant derezolution."

"Given what we've had to fight lately you can't blame us..." Lightning 95 mumbled.

"We know." MA-ter looked to him. "You must Lightning 95, pleasure to meet the student of Hornet 51."

"That's me." Lightning 95 bowed a bit. "Thank you for helping us... For doing this for Crophopper 7..."

"Of course." MA-ter looked to FiN. "Any news on how it's going for our boss and Ishani 6?"

"Ishani 6 and our boss should be here very soon, so we'll be underway in no time."


FiN looked over to see a young female program hurry over to him.

"What is it Hol-E?"

"There's been a report of an attack on Nero's base by the Wrenches... It would seem they thought he took Lightning 95 captive... it's bad."

FiN narrowed his eyes.

"Not good... I didn't expect them to attack. How'd that happen?"

"Nero fired first, they fired back and they aren't letting up... I think they're furious this time."

FiN nodded. "Great... They're gonna need help or they'll lose more than gain... Hol-E, head out with Sidd-LEE and give them some support from the shadows, don't let yourselves be seen."

"Right away sir."

She hurried off, talking to another program before leaving the room.

FiN let out a bit of a frustrated sigh, grinding the ground a little with his wheels.

"Always complications..."

Lightning 95 shook his head. "I need to get out there, I can't let them fight alone-"

"Not yet." FiN interrupted. "Not till your programming is ready and Crophopper 7 is repaired. Then you can get out there... Remember, you and Crophopper 7 are the keys to fixing everything."

The program sighed. "Yessir..." I... Hate... This... I need to fight, to get moving... I hate standing by and waiting!

"Sorry I took so long."

FiN and Lighting 95 looked to see Ishani 6 enter the room with Crophopper 7 beside her.

"Took a bit to get into the base without causing a ruckus." she added.

FiN gave a bit of a proud look. "Well done Ishani 6." He rolled up to Crophopper 7, looking him over. "Brody08 designed him well..." He made eye contact with Crophopper 7. "FiN, strategic program and generally, leader of the Shadow Programs. It's a pleasure to meet you Crophopper 7."

"Likewise." Crophopper 7 looked around before spotting Lightning 95. "... You too?"

"They made a good case... They tell you the news?"

"That I can be fixed? Reason I came here."

"Well there's more to it." FiN said as he rolled over to some other programs, giving commands. "It mainly involves your directive, we want to help you fulfill it."

Crophopper 7 gasped a little. "Seriously?" He looked to Lightning 95. "He's... Serious?"

"As derezolution... There's more to that..." Lightning 95 squeezed his shoulder. "Seems we were made with each other in mind... Technically we're brother programs... Just not like Loopin' and Ranger 301..."

"That's right." Ishani 6 chimed in. "Different machines, but both hold a special key to the system." She looked to Crophopper 7. "Crophopper 7... you and Lightning 95 have override codes built into your disks that can fix everything."

His eyes widened a bit. "Override code..." Crophopper 7 closed his eyes trying to think back, trying to remember anything that matched up.

Explains why I was made a crop duster though... I had to be different so no one would think I was just another anti-virus...

Ishani 6 placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't strain yourself... we'll help you remember just have to wait for-"

"I'm here. Sorry I'm late."

All looked to the entrance to see a program walk in... Crophopper 7's eyes going wide when he saw who it was.

The program held a disk up. "This thing was not easy to get by the way."

Crophopper 7 growled a bit starting to go towards him, but Lightning 95 got in his way.

"Whoa, he's on our side!"

"I don't believe it! You know who that is!!"

Ishani 6 cringed. "Crophopper 7 please listen, he's not what you think-"



Crophopper 7 stopped short... thinking it over before looking to the program. "Rip 13... you... what...?"

Rip 13 sighed. "I'll tell you something... acting has not been easy... but shooting you down... was the only way to save you... Nero was planning on killing you but I told him reconfigure so you would live... I knew the others would spring in... I counted on that... if they didn't come I would've busted you out myself..."

Crophopper 7 was quiet as he let this sink in. "So... You attacked your own kind... Fought for the enemy all under the game of faking it? You still shot at us... Hurt us.... Got me reconfigured so I can't even fly under my own power!!!"

Rip 13 cringed. "You think I enjoyed it?!" he snapped. "You're not the only one suffering here! My directive is to be a double agent! That's how Brody08 wrote me! But I can still feel pain whenever I do have to do something to my own kind!"

"Alright... Alright..." Crophopper 7 winced holding up a hand. "I... I was out of line there... You did what you had to, to keep me alive... Thank you for that... I'm sorry..."

Rip 13 sighed. "It's fine... I don't expect to get thanked for my work after all I've had to do." He tossed the disk he was holding to Crophopper 7. "This is yours by the way."

"Thank you..." He took it in his hands looking it over. "Swear I didn't think I'd get this back anytime soon..."

"Spark-E did a good job mapping it out... but MA-ru and Dot-E... no offense to them... this is something that's out of their league. They'll be able to get Loopin' repaired but something like this is gonna require more heavy work... for both you and Lightning 95."

"Which we should get to now." FiN cut in. "Everything is ready."

Rip 13 nodded. "Follow me then, Lightning 95 and Crophopper 7."

Both did as told, following Rip 13 out onto a platform that had circle patterns on it.

"Stand on one of the circles, don't care which."

They nodded, taking a position on a circle.

"Disks on your back, don't take them off."


Rip 13 got off the platform, joining the others.

"All set."

FiN nodded.

"MA-ter, process a go?"

"Process is ready." MA-ter looked to the two programs. "Ready?" he asked them.

"As we'll ever be." Lightning 95 said looking to Crophopper 7. "You?"

"I'm ready to carry out my directive... Begin." He said narrowing his eyes. Nero... You wrecked this system... Turned it into something it was never meant to be... It's payback time.

"Alright... beginning reversal of the reconfigure process and restoring original functions."

MA-ter tapped a few controls on his digital pad. A low humming noise was heard before light and coding came around Lightning 95 and Crophopper 7. The codes dug into their disks and bodys. They cringed a little, mainly Crophopper 7 as he felt a glitch episode coming. It started... but then was neutralized by one of the many codes surrounding him, restoring the distorted limb to normal. Memories started coming back to him.

"You're very different than the other Wrenches Crophopper 7... You're built for speed mainly. You can fight, but you're mainly built to be fast... never forget that.

"It'll be dangerous... but I'll know you'll be able to do it... You'll be ready soon... I promise."

"There will be others to help you... The Wrenches, their fellow programs... and even the Shadow Programs... don't believe what others tell you.... They mean well."

"I've installed an override code into your disk. Your goal is to get to the center of the N-Gin system and get the disk to the center I/O Tower. Once you do, I'll be given back the controls to the system and I can clear the system of those Hackers that came in and restore control to the programs who inhabit the system..."

"Be safe..."

The process started to end as the last of the memories came back. The light faded and so did the codes. Lightning 95 panted a little, resting on his knees.

"That... was something..." He said. "But... yet I feel... stronger..."

Crophopper 7 opened his eyes nodding. "I do too.... And one more thing..." He grinned. "I have my memories back! I know where we gotta go!"

Lightning 95 grinned. "Awesome!"

Ishani 6 smiled as the two cheered. "I'm glad it worked..."

FiN looked to her. "And once this is all over... you'll be able to get your functions repaired as well."

"That would be great... but I'll think about that later."

"And one more thing, Crophopper 7." MA-ter said as he walked on to the platform. He approached him, detaching the bracelet he had on. "No more glitches... your coding has been fully restored, including the connections to your machine form."

Crophopper 7 grinned. "Thank you... In that case... I suggest you guys take a step back."

They did so, keeping a bit of a distance.

Crophopper 7 closed his eyes focusing, before he felt the energy rush... The shifting...

Before them the program took on the form of the Cropduster he was, revving his engine.

"Ready and willing."

Lightning 95 took his car form.

"Let's do this."  

Reconfigure by Aileen RoseWhere stories live. Discover now