Chapter 30- Congratulations, You Played Yourself.

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Tyler's Point of View.

I should have been used to Kaylee coming from left field and fucking shit up by now. She's been doing it ever since I've known her. Every single time she opens her mouth I always wonder what's going to come out, and she rarely surprises me.

Until today.

Because for some stupid reason, I honestly believed that she would follow through with our 'fake' dating 'scheme' till the bitter end because she wanted to be with Jefferson so badly that she was willing to do whatever it took to make him realize she was the one for him. I mean, she was the one who came to me with the idea, when I just wanted to breathe after breaking up with Celeste. And now, just when I thought that she was waking up from whatever spell Jefferson cast on her, she went and did some more dumb shit.

Telling Celeste, of all people, that our relationship was a fraud was a sure-fire way to ensure that Kaylee's reputation was soiled for good. Luckily, Celeste owed me big time and as soon as Kaylee spilled the beans, she came straight to me to let me know.

In case you haven't guessed, my reaction was a loud, drawn out, "Fuuuuuck."

Because Celeste owed me, I managed to make her promise not to tell a soul until I got to talk to Kaylee, but as you all know, that conversation went horribly, and of course Jefferson interrupted, because he always fucking does.

So what else could go wrong?

Well, Jefferson coming up to me after the All-Star practice after school, for one, getting in my face about Kaylee and why she told Celeste we weren't actually dating.

"Yo, we need to talk."

I glanced up from tying my laces in the almost empty locker-room, my eyebrows raised. Fuck, I knew I shouldn't have taken my time showering. Jefferson had a dogged look on his face, and it reminded me of Kaylee at her most stubborn. What the hell did she see in this guy, anyway? "Okaaaay..."

"You and Celeste have been spending a lot of time together." He glared at me as I straightened, hands on his hips as he tried to stare me down. Didn't work. "Why?"

Sighing, because I was sick and tired of this stupid drama, I said, "Look, I really have nothing to say."

"Nothing to say?" Jefferson snorted disbelievingly as I stuffed my towel and Gatorade into my duffle bag, ready to leave his presence as quickly as possible. "She's barely talked to me since the stupid party."

Stealing a phrase that Janessa Banks (one of the funniest people I knew) had just used on me earlier that day, I said, "Sounds like a you problem." Jefferson's fists clenched as I continued, glad for a chance to rile him up. After the weird ass day I was having, I needed to release some frustration. "After all, you ditched her at the party when she was clearly drunk."

"She ditched me to dance with that dumb frat boy," Jefferson protested, going on the defensive as I sneered at him.

Complete bullshit coming out of his mouth, as per usual. "She was fucking drunk! As her boyfriend, you should have been there to protect her, instead of leaving her vulnerable."

So maybe I did have something to say.

"Is that what she told you?" Jefferson asked quickly, glancing around to make sure that nobody around us could hear our conversation, because he was always keeping up with appearances. Never wanted anyone to know what a prick he really was. "I ditched her?"

I groaned. This conversation was like beating a dead horse, and I wasn't really into it. All I wanted to do was go home and ask my mom for advice on how to deal with Kaylee, because God knew I needed all the help I could get with her. "I really don't feel like talking about this."

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