Because there was already furniture in my new place, there was no reason for me to bring my old stuff. I needed to get rid of a lot of stuff anyways. I walked back downstairs after unpacking a bit. Craig was in the kitchen looking at everything in amazement.
"Where's your place?" I asked him. He jumped a bit and turned to me. I laughed as he walked over to me.
"It's down the hallway a bit. I'm actually only two down from you!" He grinned and hugged me again. "I just. I can't believe I found you again. I didn't think I would ever get to see you again." He sighed and I laid my head on his chest. "Well, hey. Let's go to my place! Do you still like video games?"
"Of course!" I beamed. He laughed and pulled me to the door. We walked down to his place after I locked the door. We entered and he brought me over to his living area. I looked around as I sat down. I loved how pretty and well put these places were. I had never seen anything like it.
Craig put a random multiplayer game in the Xbox and grabbed two controllers for us. Mine was black white multiple color splashes on it. His was a red-orange color and said Mini Ladd on it. I looked at it oddly. He noticed and laughed.
"Yeah, I have my own custom controllers. I sell them to my fans." He acted as if that was completely normal. The game menu showed on the screen and he went to multiplayer.
"What do you mean 'fans'?" I asked. I freaked out a bit inside. Was my childhood best friend now suddenly a movie star? A singer? Obviously, he had some sort of cool job to get enough money to pay for this place and make his own controllers to sell. I looked at him while thinking of more questions to ask.
"I know what you're thinking. And, no. I'm not a good at singing or acting." I raised an eyebrow, asking for more info. "I'm a gamer. I record videos of myself and my friends while playing video games then post them on YouTube. It's really fun! I think you'd like it."
"Hmm. I didn't know that was an actual job. What's it like?" He started a new game and the loading screen came up. He laughed a bit and explained a bit while we played. It must be great to play games for a living. The game started and I found which buttons and joysticks did what. He had put in Call of Duty Black Ops. I've never played this game with anyone else. Well, not on the same console.
"Being a YouTuber is... well, it's not as easy as everyone makes it sound, I guess. They say all you do is record, cut, and post it. In reality, you have to plan when you play with others and when you play by yourself. Then you decide which game or games you will play during that session. Once you got all you want recording, you have to edit it so you can bring new viewers in or bring other viewers back. It is fun, don't get me wrong, it's just... I don't know. Overwhelming at times?" I nodded as he spoke. We played in teams against each other. He wanted to ease me into a game I had played many times.
What he didn't know was that I was almost an expert when it came to this game. I sniped him many times from open windows across the map. I knew what weapons were the best and which ones sucked. I had my whole weapon plan set up exactly the way I wanted it. Obviously, he wasn't expecting me to know this game. Every time I killed him he would freak out. My team had his beat in no time at all because of me. He turned to me when the game ended and just gave me the most confused look I had ever seen. I just laughed.
"How the hell did you do that...?" I just laughed more as he sat there completely lost. "No, seriously. You've played before, haven't you?" He smiled a bit.
"Well, of course! I know pretty much everything about this game!" I smiled. He chuckled and shook his head in disbelief.
"I just got my ass beat by a girl. A very dexterous one." He pointed out. I looked at him funny.

Becoming One
FanfictionShe has a dark past and a darker future. She could kill a man with one swift move. She knows how to do it just right, every time. They never see it coming. She's a hitman and she's ready for whatever is thrown at her. Or is she? When she comes acros...