This just isn't my month!

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15 weeks July 8th 2013

15 weeks July 8th 2013

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6:30 am

I woke up to high pitched crying coming over the monitor next to
our bed. I looked at the monitor. Peyton was standing in her crib crying and screaming momma. I looked at the clock. 6:30 blaired across the screen. I got up and threw my robe on as I made my way down the hallway to the nursery. I went in and immediately noticed Peyton had thrown up all over in her crib. She was hysterically crying and covered In puke. I went over and ran my hand over her forehead. "Mommy's going to get daddy up I'll be right back." I left her room and went back our room. Rob was up getting dressed.


"Morning. Is Peyton ok?"

"I need your help. She threw up all over in her crib and herself."

"Ok I'll clean the crib if you clean her up"

"Ok sounds good..." I turned and headed back to the nursery. Peyton was still hysterically crying. I went over to her and picked her up. "Shh sweatheart. Let's get you cleaned up." I said to her as we went into the bathroom and I ran some bath water for her. I stripped her and wiped her down as much as I could. I sat her in the bathtub and the I stripped, getting in with her. she laid against me obviously tired as I washed her up. I finished cleaning her up and went to gently lift her out and lay her on the towel as I got out. As soon as I lifted her up she jolted awake and started looking around and whimpered.

"What's wrong bud?" I asked her.
She leaned over the side of the bathtub and threw up again.

"Well that answers my question" I giggled. Peyton started crying again obviously startled from her sleep. I grabbed the washcloth and wiped her face off.

"You don't feel good do you?" I asked her

Rob came in and looked at the vomit and sighed.

"She just did that." I sighed

"She's sick?"

"Yep. I'm guessing so."

Rob took the towel with the vomit out of the room and cleaned it. He came back in taking Peyton from me and I got out. He took her into the bedroom as I was drying off. I slipped my nightgown on and headed into the bedroom as Rob was getting Peyton dressed. I went downstairs and filled her sippy cup with milk and Tylenol hoping she will take it. I headed back upstairs and Peyton was crying on the bed.

"She wants you." Rob told me as I came into the bedroom

"I'm sorry hun, I was getting you a cup." I said to her as I climbed onto the bed and handed her the cup. I pulled her against me as she snuggled into me quietly sucking on the milk.

"Does that have med in it?"

"What do you think? Of course it does" I laughed.

"Good plan."

"I'm going to take her temp before the medication kicks in." I told Rob as I headed into the bathroom and grabbed the thermometer out of the drawer

I took her temp. 101.3 displayed across the screen. I threw the thermometer onto the night stand and slid down, pulling the blanket over us.

"Are you guys going to take a nap?"

"Yeah, most likely after she's done she will sleep too."

"Ok, I'll join you guys. We have nowhere to be today"

"Thank god. I doubt we would be able to anyway"

"Yeah," he left and came back with a bucket. Placing it on the bed in between us.

"For Peyton?" I asked

"Yeah." He said as he climbed into the bed with us. Peyton fell asleep and then Rob and I was the last one.

10 minutes later

I woke up to Peyton crying and Rob talking to her rubbing her back. I sat up rubbing my eyes.

"Is she ok?" I asked.

"She's getting sick again." He sighed.

"Poor baby" I said.

Peyton got done being sick and turned to me holding her arms out. "Momma!!" She cried.

"It's ok Peyton. Mommy's here." I picked her up bringing her to my chest. I took my sleeve and wiped her mouth with it.

"She threw up pretty much all the milk." Rob said.

"Great" I groaned.

Peyton was laying against me, slowly falling asleep. I moved her next to me and wrapped my arm around her.

"You know Peyton, mommas the one that's suppose to be throwing up..not you" I giggled

Rob put his hand over his eyes and started laughing. "Mommy's got a point Peyton."

I shook my head and closed my eyes. Slowly drifting off the sleep.
2 hours later

I woke up to a weird sound. I slowly opened my eyes and Peyton was leaning over the bucket filling it up while crying. I reached over rubbing her back. I scooted closer to her so she was leaning against me.

"Shh sweatheart. Let mommy take your temp again ok?"

I reached over to nightstand grabbing the thermometer. I took her temp. 102.5 came across the screen.

"Fuck!" I whispered. I looked at my daughter who was now curled up in my lap shaking, clutching my robe in her small hand. I leaned down and kissed her.

"I love you baby girl." I whispered to her.

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