Untitled Part 34

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skin. Castiel felt himself blushing and closed his eyes. Dean had seen him shirtless before, but back then he'd been drunk, now he was sober and there were so many things going through his head. Like, 'What if I'm too thin, too bony' or 'What if my body isn't appealing'. He was about to push Dean off and tell him that he could do it himself, when Dean leaned down and kissed his tummy. "Jesus Christ." Castiel almost screamed and pressed his hand over his mouth. He felt Dean smiling against him and then another kiss pressed right above his belly button. Castiel lifted his head to help Dean pulling off the T-shirt. Once his T-shirt was thrown to the floor, Dean had kissed his way up to Castiel's collarbone. "D-dean."Dean grinned and sat up, sliding down Castiel's legs. He raked his fingers down Castiel's chest and over his tummy, stopping at Castiel's pants. "Just say stop if it gets too much, okay?" Dean asked and ran dipped a finger under Castiel's pants, slowly dragging it from one side to the other. Castiel nodded, not able to speak, all he tried was to stifle the sounds that wanted to escape his lips. What he didn't need right now was his brother to keep his promise and jump in on them. Dean sat down on Castiel's shins, hooking his feet around Castiel's ankles. Castiel wanted to take a pillow and scream into it, Dean was being too gentle, too slow, and he could feel his arousal building up. It was too much, but yet too little. His heart was beating fast in his chest and with every new rake of fingers or kiss to his hipbones, the fire inside him intensified. When Dean finally opened the button of Castiel's pants and pulled the zipper down, Castiel grabbed his wrists and pulled Dean in for a kiss, halfway meeting him. It was more desperate than before, both expecting Gabriel to burst into the room and pulling them apart. Their breathing was frantic and the only sound that could be heard in the room. Castiel grabbed Dean's hips and pulled him in his lap, shoving their hips together. It was hard for Castiel not to thrust up against Dean, so instead he broke the kiss and bit down Dean's shoulder. "Fuck, Cas." Dean pushed Castiel back on the bed, pressing their foreheads together. "We can't," he rasped, trying to catch his breath. Castiel almost groaned in frustration, but Dean was right. They'd rush things, too scared someone - cough, Gabriel, cough - would interrupt them. Castiel pushed Dean's hair back and nodded. "Yes, 'another time. Maybe I should undress myself on my own," he suggested and Dean in agreement. "I better get home then." Dean took a deep breath and sat up, looking down at Castiel with sad eyes. "See you tomorrow?" "Yes." Dean slid from the bed and quickly left the room. A few seconds later Castiel heard the front door being opened and closed and then the sound of a car driving away. "Fuck," he said and pushed his pants off.Castiel woke up a few hours later to his phone vibrating on his nightstand. His head hurt and whoever was calling him at such an unholy time was going to get roasted. "What," he spit, rubbing his eyes. It was still dark outside and the LED clock on his wall read five in the morning. "Cas." It was Dean and he sounded breathless. Castiel perked up, ignoring the shooting pain in his head - his face was probably bruised, thanks to his fabulous brother. "Dean? Are you alright?" Castiel was worried and felt helpless, why would Dean call so early. "Yes, yes, just talk to me," he grunted. "I miss you." Castiel almost choked, fingers tightening around his phone. Was Dean ... Was he? "D-dean?" Dean groaned and Castiel's eyes fluttered close. He couldn't stop the images that were playing behind his eyelids. "I shouldn't have left." Dean's voice was raspy. Castiel pushed a hand in 

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