So I was in class and it was music class. Listen to me. I don't like music. Yes, listening. Me? I only sing when I'm alone. And when I do I try to reach notes like Whitney Houston. No. I'm sorry. My voice does not do that. I'm like between a alto and barratone. (Bear-a-tone) (medium squeaky and deep voice)
The music teacher, Ms P started writing on the board, notes that we had to say out loud, and then AP pointed out that she was using a sharpie.
Oh my god. She panicked so badly.
Why did she panic?
This wasn't even her class room.
She started writing over the sharpie with expo marker and that took it off, but now in the Spanish room, there will forever be a big green smudge on the board.
A mussssssical smudge.
HumorBOOK TWO. This the sequel you have been waiting for my wattpadians that have read my story before this WHAT. This is the sequel man. Are you not squealing? Really? Okay. Fine. Be that way. Funny stories about me and my friends, my family and embar...