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Days went by before Nick and Judy loaded both Harper and Bruno into the car, and headed for bunny burrow. Nicholas had Judith drive, being that his constant changing emotions would cause him to get shocked. Which was pathetic.
He would've liked to drive, really, but being that he knew Judy gets tired easily, he still couldn't. He was in no condition to even be traveling outside of Zootopia. He had became a wreck. He had started to turn into the stereotype of a predator who desperately needed a collar to not 'go savage'. His and Judy's fights had started to become unacceptable. At least to him.
He had almost brought himself to physical violence, but always managed to control himself. And for one reason. And one reason only. Being that if he were to hit Judy in any way, shape, or form, he'd get shocked as a result. And boy, he wasn't going to get shocked just so he could try and prove a point.

"You don't think your moms still mad about me spilling all that lemonade on her last time we were over, do you?" Nick tried to joke with his wife, but Judy was so focused on trying to get to bunny burrow, she'd barley listen. She had also gotten annoyed the past few days. But not because anything bad happened besides their disagreements. It was simply because Nick refused to take his collar off while doing anything. Especially while in the house. And Judy dreaded his collar more than he did. Mainly because her own children had collars. But they hadn't worn there's in days. Being that in bunny burrow, it wouldn't be as noticeable if they were to go out and they didn't have theirs on.

Nicholas took a deep breath before adjusting his seating position and turning back to glance at his two children, who were sleeping peacefully in their car seats. And something he'd always see, was the back of their car seats. Both children, although almost seven years old, still had car seats for that of an infant. Being that legally, in Zootopia, they weren't the legal height, or weight requirement for even a toddler seat. Zootopia was hard on all predators, or in this case, they were even harder on half-breeds when it comes to certain social goals. For example; The car seats.
For a prey mammal, they'd only have to be five to six years old for a toddler car seat. Even if they weren't the legal weight or height, they could still get one. But for a predators child, they had to be inches above the height requirement, and at the exact weight limit. Although larger mammals got their car seats faster. Nick was only two feet taller than Judy. So there wasn't really a difference.

After hours of getting painfully ignored in the car, they finally reached Bunny Burrow. They had pulled up to the farm house and Nick groaned annoyance, playfully.

"Stop complaining. You're whining more than the kids." Judy scoffed as she parked the car and opened the driver side door, stepping out.

Nicks ears perked up and he frowned, he was only kidding. He sighed and opened his passenger side door and got out. Both him and Judy went around the car to get both kids out. But Judy took both children in her arms. "You can get our stuff." Judy promoted as she nuzzled both of the groggy children who had just woken up from their sudden stop.

Nick tried his best to not yell, and he was getting pushed to the edge.

When they got to the porch, and entered the Hopps' house, Both Nick and Judy got overwhelmed with love and affection from Judy's younger siblings. And it was something Nick loved. He loved to feel, well, loved.

The kids on the other hand, were a little afraid.
Both ways.

Harper and Bruno never liked all the attention. And Judy's really young siblings never stepped foot near Nick all the times he'd visit their home. And it never bothered Nick. Most prey children were afraid of predators. Especially ones with a collar, which was all of them.

"Do you wanna go play?" Judy whispered to both Bruno and Harper.

Bruno shook his head no quickly and held his arms out to Nick.
Judy sneered but handed Bruno to Nick. Not wanting to hear him cry.

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