Chapter Nineteen: The Lying Font

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Chapter Nineteen:

The Lying Font

(Non-Foncest Version)

"Papyrus, what have you done?!"

Papyrus didn't look at Mummy, he kept his eyes on the Font lying on the carpet. "Get her out of here."


"GET HER OUT OF HERE NOW!" screamed Papyrus angrily banging on the crib bars.

"What did you do?!"


"But she's part of our family!"


Papyrus fired a gaster blaster at Deamonsque, vaporizing her before she could even turn to dust.

"Not no more...nyeh hee hee hee hee!"


"Dat's a cwazy baby..." said Bad Seed her eyes wide, she hid behind Mummy's dress, clinging to it with her fists.

Papyrus flashed her a grin, his eyes still blazing orange, then he looked at Frisk who had strangely climbed out of bed as soon as they had fallen asleep.

That's suspicious.

Oh, their eyes are red...



Uh oh...

"Kick him out Mummy!" said Spiral terrified. She didn't want to use Papyrus to get rid of Frisk anymore, she just wanted him gone.

The baby bones turned to Mummy and the children cowering behind her dress. "If you threaten my big buther as she done did, you'll share the same fate! I BAST YOU BLACK!"

"You can't blast Mummy black! She's OUR Mummy! Go back to hell where you came from!"

"Spiral! That's a naughty word!"

"You weave my buther alone, or face my wath!"

"I think Comic Sans can take care of himself young man!" said Mummy angrily. She had checked the skeleton's font after Frisk told her his name...she wasn't happy with what she read. To her that small skeleton was not only a dead Font walking, but also a ticking time bomb ready to go off and destroy her family when the clock ran out.

Papyrus glowered at his Mum. "You know full well he can't defend himself while asleep!"

Mummy and the children looked shocked.

"Why he talk like dat...?"

"Go into the living room honey, you all too. Mummy needs to talk to Papyrus alone for awhile."

The children turned and left, except for Chara who stayed near the wall to listen.

"Your behavior is unacceptable Papyrus!"

"My beavor?" Papyrus looked perplexed.

"Yes, what you did was wrong and despicable!"

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