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This was it. I took a deep breath as I entered the humongous church. I was reaching out, especially with the announcement of this new book.

Both situations very similar. Brooke would have love to be here.

A year ago she didn't have any faith in God. Now, she's praising Him for saving her life. In just a year, she's almost fully recovered.

She's no longer depressed. She's no longer abusing drugs. She's getting her G.E.D. I couldn't be more proud of her.

Now, I'm sharing her story. To the amazing men that helped save her life.


I sat in the first row, in front of the stage. Directly in front of Joel & Luke.

They were talking about the upcoming movie. While also preforming some of their songs, answering questions.

I sat there, admiring the two men.

Luke had looked at me, making direct eye contact and smile slightly. I sat up straight, feeling uncomfortable with his gaze on me in this position.

"Any more questions or comments? We love hearing y'alls feedback." Joel spoke suddenly, making me jump a little.

Luke looked towards me and smiled, I nodded slightly.

Luke nudged his brother, then pointed at me.

"I think this lovely lady has something to say." He stated.

Their friend came off the stage and handed me a mic. I grew nervous.

"Stand up, tell 'em your name." The guy mumbled.

I stood up, facing the two. I smiled, "My name is Rosa. I don't really have questions, but I did want to say something— this book is so amazing. My little sister went through the same thing as Maria and Antonia. She was found about two years ago. A year ago, she tried to overdose. Your music saved her life. This book has power. It's emotional, but it's all true. I've encouraged all my friends to read it, and I can't wait for the movie."

I handed the mic back to the unnamed guy.

Joel smiled warmly, "Rosa, thank you for sharing that with us. We'll pray for your sister as she continues her road onto recovery."

Luke gave me a nod, and continued.

More people commented on the book, their songs or the trailer of the movie. More asked questions. The band preformed more songs, played clips from the movie.

It was all so amazing. Seeing that in one area, a large group of people felt the same for one topic.

"How does James' wife die?" A young girl asked, suddenly cutting me from my thoughts.

Joel laughed and looked down. He looked back up with a stunning smile, "Well, sweetheart, that would be a spoiler. Good thing you get a free book tonight."

That was one thing I loved about the two men. Not only were they amazing, godly men sharing a huge topic, they were unmistakably kind. Something that we don't see as often these days.


I stood in line, like I had been for almost an hour. The security guard up front had grown restless, and was getting slightly irritated.

Dealing with fangirls probably wasn't a fun job.

"Out of books!" The security guard yelled.

The few people in front of me groaned and began to leave. I had to admit, I was upset. I was wanting to get this book for my sister.

I stood there for an extra few seconds, then I started to leave.

"Wait. Rosa?" Luke called.

I froze, then turned to face the table. I gave a nod, "Yeah. That's me."

"Come 'ere, sweetheart. We just wanna chat real quick." Joel smiled.

I hesitantly nodded and stepped forward. What could my favorite band want to talk to me about?

"Um. Sure. What about?" I asked.

"Your sister, I'm just curious. What happened on her unexpected journey?" Luke questioned.

"She was kidnapped at four years old. She told me, the man that had taken her, his name was Shane. Apparently, he had taken care of her as his own. She was the most popular of his clients, but he had made sure that she was safe." I explained.

"How was she found, darling?" Joel nodded.

"An undercover cop had found the ring." I replied.

"Would it be weird to ask for your number, Rosa?" Luke laughed nervously, "I'd like to meet your sister."

I smiled, "No problem. Brooke would love that."

Joel gave a small wink, "And I'm sure that we have two extra books."

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