I slip my snapback on backwards and followed Jade into Victoria's Secret.
"Now choose wisely," I say, "we need to make sure it has easy access in times of desperate measure."
Jade swats me on the arm as she picks up two lace lingerie sets - a black and a pink. The more the merrier. I quietly follow Jade to the counter as I take out my wallet. We wait patiently for someone to serve until a familair and ironic face steps out.
"What in god's name is Allyson Brooke Hernandez doing in a lingerie store?" Jade laughs.
Ally takes the products from Jade's hands and scans them, "Well I can't work from home," she chuckles, "even if I want to I have a feeling Ashton might be a bit of a distraction."
"Ok, tell me now. When did Satan overtake this small body of yours. May Christ be with you." I joke.
She shakes her head, "I can't be good girl forever," she winks, "anyway Jade that'll be $80."
Before Jade could take any money out I flash out my credit card and I swipe it. Ally laughs as Jade looks at me weirdly.
"May I ask why out of all places you choose VS? Calvin Klein doesn't reach your standards and expectations." Ally chuckles as she places the products in a bag and hands it to Jade.
"Ugh you know," I sigh, "guess it just makes bed time a little more... interesting." I say.
Ally nods, "Well have fun." she says before we walk out hand in hand.
"What do you want for lunch?" I ask.
"A salad seems pretty good."
I nod, "Yeah."
As I take out my fork I feel question slip into my mind. Jade laughs and starts eating her food.
"How did they get the salad in the box if the box is sealed?...."
Jade stops chewing and laughs at my ironic question, "Are you serious?" she laughs as she takes a handful onto her fork. I simply shrug.
"I'm gonna shut up now." I say as I rip open the box and start eating. As I chew on my food, Jade can't help but laugh as she takes a sip of her Ice Tea.
"Hope you don't spill the tea on my ironic questioning about the salad."
The bottle leaves her lips and the drink pours down her mouth as she continues to laugh, "I just can't baby. I don't get - oh my god. Best day by far."
"Oh let me guess," I huff, "because I wondered how the holy fuck a salad was in a box when it's -"
"Baby, calm down." she giggles.
I roll my eyes and took a bite before leaning back into my chair and taking a deep breath.
"Am I really this stupid?"
"No," she says as she shakes her head, "it's just really funny." she laughs.
I take my drink and roughly unscrewed the lid as she continued her laugh fest. At this point her forehead is against the table, making it shake as her laughter begins to grow.
"I can't believe you right now." I huff.
"I'm so sorry baby girl."
I take a huge gulp of my Ice Tea as Ally joins us, a smile on her face as she takes a seat beside Jade.
"Is she ok?" she asks.
"Oh splendid." I say.
Jade lifts her head, her hair covering her face as she greets Ally.
"I'm more than fine," she laughs, "Perrie just -" she laughs.
"Perrie what?"
"She asked how -"
"How the salad was in the box if it was sealed," I say for her, "Now it would be great if we move on and just eat. Is that so hard Thirlwall?"
"Nope." she says as she finally stops laughing and takes a drink.
"Finally." I say.
"I can't breathe." she says.
"I hope you choke." I say as I continue to eat my food. Ally sits and laughs as this episode continues to play.
When we step off the elevator we find Michael and Calum in front of Rebel Sport. I smile and they walk towards us.
"Long time no see." Calum smiles.
"I know." I say.
"Did you just have lunch?" Michael asks.
"Yeah we -"
Jade begins her laugh fest once more and at this point I wanted to choke her.
"What's up with her?" Calum asks.
"Long story." Ally says.
"Yeah that." I say.
Accidental ▷ Jerrie
Fanficlies, arguments, a wedding, and a accidental relationship