(BrOhm) Cold Air

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In this world some humans have power over an element. Bryce and Ohm are both super heroes and Bryce has power over water while Ohm has power over air.

Also excuse my terrible story, this is my first time writing something like this.


As I pull my mask over my face I leap out of my window using the air around me to fly. I had just gotten a call from a friend of mine that works at the CPD. Apparently the Illinois State Bank (Is that even a thing) downtown was being robbed and the police couldn't handle it.
As I approach the scene I can't help but notice that everything seems so much more tense, I don't understand why at first and stop to analyse the situation from the roof of the bank.
That's when I see him, he has blonde hair and bright blue eyes, his mask, which only covers half his face, and costume are black and grey with frosty purple swirls. I recall that his name is Ice before noticing that he's being pinned to the wall by one of the robbers who has his hands wrapped around his throat.

Bryce: (5 minutes earlier)

I stare at the situation from the roof of the bank, I'm waiting as long as I can to go in knowing that I won't be able to do much on my own.
As I continue to watch I see one of the robbers raise their gun to a hostages head and I realise that I can't wait any longer.
I shoot short bursts of water at the robber and freeze them before they make contact causing them to bury themselves into the guy who drops the gun. I jump down and use the water molecules in the air to slow my fall slightly. (Deal with it)
The fact that my ankle collapses under me with a snapping sound when I land shows that either it wasn't enough or I didn't land right, but it was probably a mixture of both. "Shit", I whisper as one of the other robbers approaches me. I shot some ice at him failing to notice another guy approaching me from behind until I'm knocked back onto the floor. As soon as I see him my eyes widen knowing that I'm screwed, he's probably 6 inches taller then me and way more muscular, I know that I don't stand a chance against him.
As he grabs me by the neck and pins me to the wall I panic and try to kick him only for him to squeeze harder. I try to use my powers but I'm unsuccessful since I can't concentrate due to the lack of oxygen. "So this is how I die," I think to myself as my vision starts to fade, I hear a thump before realising that I've been dropped. I try to see whats going on around me but everything's to blurry to see much. The last thing I see before passing out is a grey mask, with what looks to be a black omega symbol on it, stareing down at me.


I quickly jump down to the floor of the bank and kick the guy thats holding the kid in the balls (Sorry not sorry) making him let go of the boy. I quickly send strong bursts of wind at the other robbers causeing them to fly back into the walls knocking them out.
I quickly turn to the boy who's eyes are slowly closing and know that I need to get him out of here before the police get to him. I quickly pick him up and fly out of the bank.

Time skip to Ohms house

I gently lay the boy on my bed and assess his injuries, his ankle is swelling and appears to be sprained, while his neck is already bruising a lot. I sigh and put an ice pack on his ankle, "The only thing I can do now is wait for him to wake up", I whisper to myself and pull out my phone to watch the presidential debate.


The first thing that I feel when I wake up is a burning pain in my ankle. I groan softly in pain causing something that's laying next to me to jump. I slowly open my eyes only to close them again with a squeak as I see how bright the light is. "Shit, sorry", I hear a voice next to me say before I hear a click. "The light is off now," the other person says. I slowly open my eyes again and am greeted with the same mask that I saw before I passed out.
"How do you feel," the other boy asks softly. "I've been better," I state simply seeing as my head still hurts from passing out. The other chuckles softly, "I'm sure you have, names Ohm by the way." "I go by Ice," I say before realising that I can definitely trust him, "But you can call me Bryce." "Well Bryce you have a sprained ankle and a pretty noticeable bruise appearing on your neck," Ohm pauses for a moment and appears to be contemplating something. "You told me your name so I guess that it's only fair that I tell you mine, my name's Ryan and I think that this could be the begining of an amazing friendship."

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