At District 15, Jim takes Shaylynn in to be processed.
Lieutenant Dan comes walking up to Jim and Shaylynn, "I'll take it from here, Jim."
"But Lieutenant" Jim says.
"That will be all, Sergeant!"
"Yes, sir!" Jim says back.
Dan grabs Shaylynn's arm and leads her to an interrogation room.
"Dan, what are you doing?" Shaylynn asks him.
"Hank called me and said Jim was bringing you in. I told him I would stop Jim from processing you" he tells her.
"But it's going to have to be done. What makes the difference who does it?" Shaylynn asks.
"It sure won't be Jim processing you! If anyone does it, it will be me. Jim is the last person you want to do it. I'll do it in private because you don't deserve this!"
Dan receives a text as he walks Shaylynn into the interrogation room, "Have a seat, I'll be right back. But before I go, I'll take these handcuffs off."
Dan smiles at Shaylynn as he leaves the room.
Shaylynn looks around and starts shaking. She hates this room! It brings back to many memories of when she was captured and held hostage early in her military career.
Then her mind turns to thoughts of Severide. Now she's shaking and crying.Dan walks out to the front and meets up with Hank. He sees Hank isn't alone.
"I see you brought re-enforces."
Hank looks at Dan, "They're good friends of Shalynn's. They insisted on coming with me. Is she in the back?"
"Yes! I got her away from Jim just in time" Dan tells Hank.
"Thanks, Dan! I owe you one!" Hanks says.
"Follow me. I'll take you back to her" Dan tells Hank and the guys.
They follow Dan all the way to the back where the interrogation rooms are.
Dan opens the door for Hank. He walks in, Shaylynn looks up and sees him. He walks over to her. Shaylynn stands up and hugs him.
While hugging Hank she sees Capp, Cruz, and Tony walk in the room and starts crying more. With everything going on with Severide, seeing them here to check on her means more to her then they will ever know.
Hank let's go of her so she can see the other guys. Shaylynn hugs Capp, Cruz, and Tony. Each of them wipes the tears from her eyes.
"Come on, Shaylynn. You better sit down. You've been through a lot tonight" Hank tells her.
"Do you know anything about Kelly?" Shaylynn asks any of them.
"I received a text from Chief that he made it through surgery and is in critical condition" Capp tells her.
She shakes her head, "I should have shot that guy when I wanted to. I looked at Kelly as I was reaching for my gun, but he gave me that stern look of his so I stopped," she starts crying again, "I should be at the hospital with Kelly!"
The door to the interrogation room opens and in walks Peter Stone.
Shaylynn looks at Peter, "This night just gets better and better!"
Peter can hear the sarcasm in Shaylynn's voice.
"This case has already turned into a media circus! All of the media is on Shaylynn's side which usually never happens. Social media is also blowing up! Because of the media attention and your reputation, the State Attorney's office will be handling this" Peter tells them.
"What about bail?" Hank asks Peter.
"I've sped everything up and have already talked to the judge. He already set the bail. It's already been posted, but there are a few rules. Cause of your reputation you have to stay with someone. I went by the hospital since most of the Fire Crew is there and they all volunteered. Christopher Herrmann and his wife were very adamant that you stay with them so you can be with your daughter. The other rule, of course you can't be in possession of a firearm. That's the reason why you can't go home. Hank told me you turned a room in your house into a vault with a very state of the art security system on it."
"Yes. With the fire power I have, a gun cabinet wouldn't suffice" she tells Peter.
Shaylynn can't believe what she's hearing. She can't even stay in her own house all because of her vault. But the generosity from the Herrmann's has gone far and above.
"What exactly happened?" Peter asks her.
Shaylynn looks at Peter, "He tried to rob us. He shot my husband, so I shot him! The human turned into a monster, so I killed the monster!"
"But did you have to shoot him in the head?" Peter asks her.
Shaylynn gets upset, "I don't care where I shot him! He shouldn't have shot my husband!"
"Okay, that's enough Peter! Shaylynn has been through a lot! She doesn't need to get upset even more and end up admitted to the hospital" Hank tells him.
"You can get her out of here, but I'm warning you, reporters are EVERYWHERE! They're surrounding the district" Peter tells Hank.
There's a knock on the door, Peter opens it.
Dan is standing there, "Are you guys ready to leave?"
"Yes, I'm ready to get her out of here!" Hank tells him.
"Okay. Your escort is waiting for you out front" Dan tells them.
"Escort?" Hank questions.
They all walk out of the interrogation room and head to the front doors. Outside they can see Fire Trucks lined up with their lights on. At the bottom of the steps they see standing a few Lieutenants along with a couple of Chiefs and the Fire Commissioner. Shaylynn starts crying again seeing the support the Fire Department is giving her. Tony sticks his arm around her to offer support as they walk out the doors.
As they walk down the steps, they see Firefighters lining a path to keep reporters back from Shaylynn.
The Fire Commissioner steps forward as they reach the bottom of the steps, "We're here to escort you to the hospital so you can be with your husband."
Shaylynn looks over at Hank.
"It's alright, go with them. I'll head to the District and see if anything has been dug up about this guy" he tells her.
Shaylynn gives him a hug. Hank then walks off to his car.
The Fire Commissioner starts walking away, with Shaylynn and the guys following him. She looks around and notices Squad 3.
"If it's alright, I'd like to ride in Squad 3" she says to the Commissioner.
He turns around and looks at her, "Of course!"
The Commissioner walks Shaylynn, Capp, Cruz, and Tony over to Squad.
"Gentlemen, Mrs. Severide and her guys would like to ride in Squad to the hospital. Make sure she sits in Lieutenant Severide's seat."
"Yes, Sir!" one of the guys says back.
Shaylynn looks at the Commissioner and smiles, "I would much rather sit in the back with the guys."
All the guys smile. The Commissioner looks at them and then looks at her, "As you wish."
Everyone gets on the trucks and take off toward Chicago Med, with lights still flashing.
All the Fire Trucks pull up in front of Chicago Med and get in formation like they were at District 15.
The Fire Commissioner walks over to Squad 3, "Stay inside until everyone is in place to keep the reporters back" he tells Shaylynn.
She does exactly as told.
A few minutes later the door to Squad opens, "Okay, everything's ready" the Commissioner tells them.
Capp and Tony step off Squad first. They both help Shaylynn down, as Cruz steps down off Squad behind Shaylynn. They start walking toward the hospital, Capp and Tony walking in front of Shaylynn and Cruz behind her. They're ready to ward off any reporters that might make their way through the lines of Firefighters.Meanwhile as this is happening, some of the Fire Crew is looking out the hospital windows at what's going on below. Otis is recording everything on his phone.
Boden, Donna, Casey, Dawson, Herrmann, and Cindy are down at the doors to meet Shaylynn and the guys.
Shaylynn and the others walk into the hospital. Dawson walks up to her and hugs her. Shaylynn instantly starts crying. Donna and Cindy walk up to Dawson and Shaylynn and embrace both of them in a group hug.
Capp, Cruz, and Tony walk up to Boden, Casey, and Herrmann.
"How's Kelly doing?" Capp asks Boden.
"He's woken up a few times for short periods of time," Boden tells the guys, "The first time he just looked around. Everyone who was in the room knew he was looking for Shaylynn, then he was back out. The second time he woke up, he asked where Shaylynn was. Otis let it out that she had been arrested for murder. That did it! Kelly went off! Casey and I had to hold him down so he wouldn't hurt himself, while Dr. Rhodes gave him something to put him back out."
Capp, Cruz, and Tony all roll their eyes at the news that Otis told Severide about Shaylynn.
"Let's get Shaylynn upstairs to Kelly. It's been a very emotional night for everyone" Boden tells the guys.
The guys walk up to the ladies, "Is everyone ready to head upstairs?" Boden asks them.
Donna and Cindy let go of Dawson and Shaylynn and turn around toward the guys.
Dawson still has a hold of Shaylynn as Shaylynn says "Yes". Dawson let's go of Shaylynn, but grabs her hand as they walk toward the elevator.
The ladies along with Boden and Casey take an elevator up, while the others take another elevator.
As soon as they get off, Boden and Casey lead Shaylynn back to Severide's room. They walk into the room and see Dr. Rhodes sitting there. He gets up, walks over to Shaylynn and gives her a hug, "Shaylynn, I am so sorry at what has happened to you tonight!"
"Thanks. How's Kelly doing?" she asks.
"He's doing okay. I had to fix some of the staples after his episode..." Dr. Rhodes gets a weird look on his face as he looks at Boden and Casey who are trying to tell him to be quiet about that.
"Episode? What kind of episode did Kelly have?" Shaylynn asks Dr. Rhodes.
"He's woken up a few times. The first time he woke up, he looked around. Most likely looking for you, but he went back out. The second time he woke up, he asked where you were. Someone let it slip that you had been arrested for murder, he went crazy! Boden and Casey had to hold him down so he wouldn't hurt himself any more than he already had and so I could give him something to knock him back out."
Shaylynn just stares at Dr. Rhodes. Tonight has been a whirlwind!
"Alright Gentlemen, it's that time. Let's leave Shaylynn alone with Kelly" Dr. Rhodes says to Boden and Casey.
Shaylynn gives Boden and Casey each a hug, "Thank you for being here for Kelly when I couldn't be!"
Boden grabs her hands, "It wasn't your fault! Don't beat yourself up over that."
They walk out of the room.
Shaylynn turns to Dr. Rhodes, "How did surgery go?"
"Surgery was touch and go. I'm not going to sugar coat it, I almost lost him twice" Dr. Rhodes tells her.
Shaylynn starts tearing up.
Dr. Rhodes walks over to her and hugs her.
"Thank you, Connor for everything you've done to make sure my husband stays with me!" Shaylynn tells Dr. Rhodes.
"Shaylynn, it's my job. You don't have to thank me," Dr. Rhodes looks at his watch, "I better get my rounds done."
Dr. Rhodes walks out of the room.
Shaylynn walks over to Severide's bed and kisses him on the lips, "I'm finally here, Babe!"
She sits down in the chair beside his bed while Dawson walks into the room.
"I brought you something to eat. I'm sure you haven't ate in a while. You need to keep your strength up and little Severide fed."
"Thank you, Gabby! It has been a while since I've had something to eat."
"Matt and I will be out in the waiting room if you need anything. All of us are taking shifts so you're not here alone" Dawson says with a smile.
"Please tell everyone thank you from me" Shaylynn tells Dawson.
Dawson smiles and walks out of the room.
Shaylynn eats the food, puts the tray to the side, and falls asleep in the chair.
A couple of hours has went by and she's woken by a noise. She opens her eyes......."KELLY!"
Three Teams, ONE Chicago #1 (Chicago Fire)
FanfictionSince Shay's death, Severide has been in a downward spiral going from woman to woman looking for any qualities of Shay in them. With recent events at the Morrison Center for African-American Culture, the Firefighters of Chicago are being targeted a...