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(Y/n) POV
I ran through the hospital corridor, looking for room A113 where my parents laid on the hospital bed.

"Room A113. Where is it?" I thought to myself when i saw a familiar woman, my aunt, walking back and forth in front of room A113! She looks frustrated. An angry aunt.
She spotted me walking towards her and shoot me a glare. Then she shout "(Y/N)!! TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH TO GO HERE" she crossed her arms angrily.
I rolled my eyes "you called me yesterday! Be glad i quit my job for my parents, or should i say for you?"
She gasped then frowned "enough talking. Go to the room. If you come later your parents would probably be dead!"
How dare she said something like that about my parents!

I took a deep breath and open the door.
There, i saw both of my parents, laying in bed, eyes still closed, bandage were wrapped everywhere around their body, many cables surrounding them, to help them breath i suppose.

I tear up. My lips quivered. I ran and slumped between their beds. "M-mom-? d-dad?" I cried. "I-i'm sorry" i tried to wipe my tears but it's no use cause it's keep coming out "i-i know you always w-wanted me *sobs* to be *sobs* a doctor, said i could help *sobs* many people. B-but i didn't l-listen. *sobs* not because i don't want to obey you, b-but because *sobs* because that's not my passion, mom, dad" i looked up and hold both of their hand "my passion, my passion is in acting. Mom? D-dad? I'm in a famous movie called descendants. Met wonderful new friends, exciting experience" i smiled imagining everything i went through "and a boy caught me on guard" my smile grew wider remembering the last event with the boy.

I finally stood up and sigh. "I see what you did there, mom and dad. And if it's for the best, i'll be a doctor for you"

"That's a good girl"

I turned around and saw my aunt leaning on the wall and grinning, evil, evil grin. I faced her "when did YOU get in here??!"

"Enough to hear everything? That's a very wise choice of you finaly following your parents' footsteps"

I looked away, looking at both of my parents "i'll do it for them"

Suddenly the door burst open. "Mom!" A girl, looks like the younger version of my aunt, my cousin, louva. She saw me and ran to me "(y/n)? Are you okay?" She turned me so i was facing her. She saw my crying face and hugged me tightly "(y/n)! I'm sorry about your parents! I'm sure they'll get well soon" i smiled,at least her daughter was nice "thanks louva, i missed you" i hugged her tight. "I missed you too, (y/n)"

my aunt spoke up "Come louva! Better leave (y/n) alone, she needs some time with her parents"
Louva pull back and shook her head "nonsense, mother. She'll be all alone here. I think she need some company. hey (y/n) how about we go to a cafe nearby? You can tell me all about your adventure while you're away"

"I think that's a great idea" i smiled my usual smile.


"So (y/n), do you..y'know, got anything interesting while you're there?" She smirked at me "like...boys..maybe?"

"Uh..yeah..kind of.." i looked away not daring to look straight at her

"Ooh...do tell (y/n)!"
I sighed "we..sorta..date. for a few hours"


"What?!" Louva looked at me blankly and continued "who date just for a few hours?!"

I raised my brow "me? We date until i need to go here"

"What?! You mean he just confessed?"
"Yes louva, be quite. You're making a scene"
"Well that's horrible. You lose your dream job, lose the love of your lif-"
"Hold! Don't finish your sentence" i stopped her and shut her mouth, looking sadly.

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