ch. 23 The End

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Mark's POV

"Finally, the day has come" Wilford says, having his small suitcase with that holden gun of his, ready to go. I chuckle, "There were the worst two weeks of my life" I joke, being half serious.

I walk to the front door, seeing Wilford already at his car, "No, these were the best weeks of your life, listening at my whining all day" He says. I nod, "Nothing's better than hear uncle Willy whine about his circus" I say sarcastically.

I step in the passenger seat, "I'm coming with you" I state. Wilford starts the car, "Fine by me, mister Markiplier" He says as he drives away.

We drive way to fast, "Excited?" I ask Wilford. Wilford looks down at his lap, "Is it that obvious!?" He asks worried. "yes...." I say, not really sure what he's talking about. "I knew I should've put on different pants" he says.

I chuckle, "I was talking about, because you're driving so fast" I say, weirded out a little. Wilford chuckles nervously, "oh, heh..yeah...that too" He says.

I stay quiet and look outside of the window. I hear circus music playing in the distance. I look out of the front window, seeing the tent all freshened up, and everything re-done, "Wow, look at that!" I say excited.

"I already am" Wilford say, biting his lower lip, racing even faster towards the circus. He suddenly kicks the breaks, slipping over the sand road, parking right in front of the circus, "Where did you learn to do that, Wil?" I ask as I open the door.

"None of your buisness" He simply says before stepping out of the car. He covers his mouth, "Goodness gracious!" He gasps loudly. He looks around, "Where's my sweetheart!?" He asks out loud, looking around for, probably (Y/N).

Wilford greets all his old staff, I remember them. They've all worked here! Everything is just the way it used to be, (Y/N) did a wonderful job. "Oh wow, so great to see you, Salene! My cotton candy girl!! my sweetness itself" Wilford says, hugging the girl tightly as he lifts her from the ground.

I chuckle a little, "Hey, Salene, great to see you again!" I greet her, hugging her too. She smiles brightly at me, "I'm happy to be back, boss! And Mark of course!! Wonderful to see you" She says sweetly.

I give her a warm smile. "So, where's the wonder woman?" Wilford asks. "In front of you" Salene jokes flirty. Wilford chuckles, "Of course, sweety, but seriously, where's my dearest?" He asks again.

Salene shrugs, "She was still gonna fix the lights. You should've seen her" Salene laughs, "She was so stressed because you were already coming over here.


I wipe my head again, "oh god, why is it so hot today!?" I whine out loud as I fill the water bowls for the tigers. "Wilford could be here any second now" I stress.

Suddenly, the circus music gets louder than I wanted it to be, "oh please, not now!" I say. I want everything to be perfect, yet some small details aren't going that well, which make me more stressed than ever.

'Everything needs to be-' My thoughts are being cut off by all the lights out in the tent, the spotlights are shining at the middle, where I see, "Wilford?!" I say out loud.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen and all other configurations of being, my name is Wilford Warfstache and WELCOME!! To the Warfstache Wonderland GRAANDD RE-OPENING!!!!!" He screams into the microphone.

I didn't even know the lights and microphones worked again, I though those were still not fixed yet. I slowly walk close to the circle, where everyone of the workes sit, having one seat free for me.

I gasp as my face lights up. I look around, seeing everything like it used to be. 'I did a wonderful job'. "Thank you all for joining me today. I would like to announce that we will officially re-open Warfstache Wonderland tonight, and this all wasn't possible if my dear (Y/N) weren't with me. She made this all possible, ladies and gentlemen, and give her the best applause you can, MISS (Y/N)!!" He yells before pointing at me, the spotlights now shining my way.

Everyone claps and cheers loudly, welcoming me into the circle. I wave to everyone as I walk up to Wilford. "Just look at that beautiful face." He mumbles into the microphone.

The spotlights are on Wilford and me both as Wilford hugs me tightly and the platform starts to rise, just like WIlford showed me once.

My smile can't grow any bigger when Wilford kisses me gently, placing one of his hands behind my head, the other one cupping my face. I still smile in the kiss, hearing everyone still clapping and cheering at the top of their lungs for Wilford and me.

When Wilford pulls away, we're a few feet above the ground on the platform. I look at everyone. "Would you like to say something, my dear?" Wilford asks sweetly, having his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to him.

I clear my throat before talking into the microphone that is next to Wilford's mouth, "First of all, I want to thank everyone who helped me with this beautiful project, and I'm proud of what you guys have done" I tell them.

"Well, I'm proud of you, and thank you so much, my sweetness" Wilford says, before kissing me again. Everyone cheers and claps for us again as the platform starts to lower again.

Everyone stands up as Wilford and I bow, hand in hand. We walk behind the canvases of the circus, so that no one can see us anymore.

Two women get the microphone and the sender off of Wilford before we walk outside together, to the stall where everyone is getting ready for guests to arrive. We walk towards the tigers, but Wilford suddenly takes my wrist, and stops me from walking.

"My dear, how did you get this all started!?" he asks, still not believing that he has his circus back, and everything is just like it used to be. I grin...

"none of your buisness"

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