Operation: Rebirth ((more of the star wars book I hope to write))

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"This is most interesting," Said a masked man was he watched the zombie clone growling from his cage. "Such a shame he's just a mindless monster right now." The masked man sighed.

"Well...sir we are working on something to counteract this effect." The man standing next to him said. 

"I see, so he's half dead. You can't kill him?" He asked.

"Basically. But a shot to the head can kill them." The other man said. 

"I see. But I am can you bring them back fully, enough to have a mind and not be able to die from a dead shot?" He asked.

"I can try...." Began the other man.

"Try?" He replied.

"I mean: do. I can do that." the man said quickly correcting himself.

"Good. Now let's see if I can't get this...clone to come to his senses and behave." The masked man said as he opened up the cage to the have the zombie run at him. But he slammed his knee hard into the Zombie's chest knocking him to the floor. He then took out a gun and pressed it to the dead clone's head. "Remeber death?" He asked pushing the gun into his skull. "I'll kill you again. Bring you back and then kill you. I will repeat this until you learn to listen to my orders and behave...understand?" 

The clone only nodded backing up from this masked man fast, the other man who was in charge of making these clones come back looked at him in shock. He knew this man was scary and bad but doing this to a mindless creature that is more than he bargained for. But now he was scared to back out.

"Dr. Kolen?" He asked. 

"Yes.....sir?" the doctor replied. 

"Please note that I am not afraid to find someone else to take your place and have you switch sides and with these...clones. I want results and I hope you have them by the end of this month....for your sake." He replied as he turned and left slamming the door shut behind him.

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