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Well it has finally come to an end and I got to admit I have mixed feelings about this but I am super excited to write my next fanfic with my Twinny on tumblr (apignamedsimon.tumblr.com)!!

Please give me some love and feedback about this epilogue and the whole story because I’d really appreciate your comments! Let me know what you liked most and what you would like to see/what I could improve on? 

ALSO I am willing to take family drabble requests based off SLAA to keep it going, so message me via my tumblr (bowmetria.tumblr.com) if you a have a request for me :) 

I hope you have enjoyed this fanfic as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it for you all! 

Love you Dilmer bitches xx

*5 years later*

“Isabella! Sophia! Come down and eat your breakfast please, I don’t want to have to ask you again” I yell from the kitchen downstairs as I prepare their lunch boxes for kindy. I look up at the clock once more and see we are already behind schedule. “Girls!” I yell in frustration as I run up the stairs. I fling open the door, ready to let out all the frustration that has been building inside of me throughout the morning. However as I open the door I can’t help but smile, my heart melting at the sight in front of me. Wilmer looks up at me from Isabella’s bed and smiles with a guilty grin. “Hey Nena” he says. I simply shake my head at the scene before my eyes. Wilmer has a princess crown on his head, pink butterfly clips in his thick hair and blush scattered across his cheeks. I can’t help but let out a giggle. “What have you girls done to Daddy?” I ask, sitting on the bed next to Sophia. “Doesn’t he look beautiful Mommy?” Sophia starts, snuggling into my chest. I lean down and kiss her olive forehead. “We’re playing princesses Mommy, but don’t worry you’re still the most beautiful princess in all the lands” Isabella finishes, grabbing a spare crown off the floor and coming over to place it on my head. I lift up her little butt chin and quickly tap her nose with my index finger, causing her to scrunch up her face and giggle. Both girls cuddle into my side. I give Wilmer a glance, he simply shrugs his shoulders. “You know I can’t say no to my two little princessas Hermosa” he says, wrapping his arms around the three of us.

After a minute in his embrace, he stands up from the pink covered bed and claps his hands together. “Ok girls, it’s time for breakfast. Get those cute little butts of yours downstairs and get started, we can play Princesses later but right now it’s nearly kindy time, so hop to it!” The girls instantly jump up and follow Wilmer’s instructions, hopping down the stairs as if they are kangaroos. “Thank you!” I yell after them, hearing their laughter in the kitchen as they get out their usual bowls. “You do make a beautiful Princess you know?” I laugh as I look up at the state our girls have left my husband in. I begin to remove the clips and wipe away the pink tint to his cheek bone. “Ha ha!” he says, snaking his arms around my waist from behind and burying his head into my neck, placing feather light kisses with his warm lips. I turn around and lock my eyes onto his. Even after all these years he still causes my stomach to flutter, my heart to skip a beat and my cheeks to flush a warm red. “Happy Anniversary babe” I say as I grab the back of his neck and connect my lips to his. He lets out a content sigh and smiles down at me, “Happy Anniversary Hermosa. I can’t believe it has been three whole years since the day we said ‘I do’!”

*Flashback to three years ago*

“And do you, Demetria Devonne take Wilmer Eduardo Valderrama to be your lawful wedded husband, to live in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honour, comfort, and cherish him from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto him for as long as you both shall live?” The celebrant asks. “I do” says Demi with a beaming smile on her face. “Wilmer. Demi. May you continue to walk together; your love holding you strong to the promises you have made to each other and in front of your family and friends today. It is my great honour and privilege to now pronounce you husband and wife!”. “Wilmer, you may kiss the bride” Wilmer caressed the back of Demi’s head before passionately connecting their lips together for the first time as husband and wife. Once back into reality and out of their own little bubble, Wilmer grabbed Demi’s hand into his and lifted them up into the air; yelling excitedly. The celebrant finishes; “Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the loving couple Mr and Mrs Valderrama!” The crowd stood to their feet and erupted into loud wolf whistles, cheers and claps.

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