Chapter 41

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A/N: Well we're getting pretty close to the end of the story now. This took me... 231 7 months and 18 days to write. Yeah, I'm feeling very sentimental. Oh well. Super short chapter today. Enjoy!


Dear Diary,

We're almost to the building where we can end the apocalypse! In other good news, the cure Roxy made seems to be working! Or at least... it is for me.

It was only a couple days ago that I was bitten, but I'm already feeling almost completely better! The bite is already almost gone, and it feels more like a bruise now. I started going back to fighting through the zombies instead of being guarded by the others on the sidelines.

Dave on the other hand... well he's not doing so well. He keeps insisting that the bite hurts less, but it's only stopped bleeding a little bit. He hasn't gone back to fighting like I have, and he's been looking really sick lately. It's hard to tell if he's really getting better or if he's just acting tough. Honestly I'm not sure even he knows the difference.

But it's been longer than 24 hours since we were bitten, so the cure has to be working at least a little bit. Nobody really knows what to expect now, but we keep insisting that he's going to be fine. Roxy said the cure might just take longer to work on different people. But if that's the case, it's taking a really long time for Dave.

I'm sure he'll be fine. Even if he was going to turn, we've estimated that we should be out of here by tomorrow. The infection has to go away after that.

Everyone's been managing to keep in surprisingly good spirits though, despite that. The only two people who've been really upset lately are Karkat and Dirk. But Dirk has been pretty moody about everything, so that's nothing new. Besides, he usually has Jake to cheer him up. I thought he was just upset about Dave, but it kind of seems like he's hiding something. Then again, I can never understand that guy. I leave Dirk's weirdness for Jake to handle.

As for Karkat, it's definitely Dave that he's upset about. Every time someone dies he gets even more unpleasant than usual, but with Dave it seems to be lasting longer. They've been spending a lot of time together away from us, and I can't help but wonder what that's about.

We've been trying to stop for rests less, but with Dave injured that bad it's been hard. At least everyone is more than happy to play games and talk to each other when we're not fighting. Although with some of us (I'm not saying I'm talking about Vriska, but I'm talking about Vriska) preferring to gossip about each other and meddle with people, we've been doing a lot more talking than playing, and some of it has turned into a lot of harmless but sometimes hurtful teasing.

Anyway, we're heading out tomorrow to get to the business building, and we should be able to get there by the afternoon. I can't wait to finally get out of all this mess! I'm not sure how much longer any of us can take here.

Well, I'm probably not going to be able to write in here anymore since we'll be there tomorrow, so this is where the diary ends I guess. Hopefully we can get there before we lose anyone else. What am I saying? I know we can!

Everything's going to be just fine! <3

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