Chapter 7: Curiosity Almost Killed Ezra part 2

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I want to thank the people who are reading my story😁😁😁!!!!!! So I wrote a new chapter to show my appreciation! Enjoy!


Ezra saw an old, worn down house up ahead.(The house is the picture above) It looked really creepy, especially when it's dark. Thunder roared in the distance making Ezra jump. 'Well, it will have to do for the night' he thought. He scanned the house one more time and decided to go in. Ezra walked up the steps and over to the door. He looked at the knob, "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me". He laughed at himself remembering how he didn't know how to open the door. He turned the knob and the door opened with a loud creek. He looked down the long hallway. He saw a staircase and an entrance to another room to his left. Ezra couldn't see what was down the rest of the hall because it was to dark. He stepped into the house a little more. "Hello, anyone home," Ezra called not expecting a reply. The reply was the door slamming shut behind him. He jumped and turned around trying to open the door. For some reason it had locked and Ezra was making himself believe that it was the wind. "Well, that's not creepy at all," he said scanning the area.

Lightning flashed, giving Ezra some light for a split second. Then a thought came to his head, 'the place only looks creepy because you keep thinking it is'. He face palmed himself and giggled a little of thinking that the house was scary. The rain started to pour outside with lightning and thunder joined in on occasions. Ezra walked into the room that was next to the staircase. It was very old living area with two coaches, a fireplace and painting over the fireplace. There was also another entrance across the room from his right. He laid down on the closest couch to him and cuddled into it. That couch felt like a cloud. He was about to close his eyes when the sound of a door slamming shut awoke him. Ezra sat up with his heart racing. The door slamming sounded distant like it came from upstairs. "Maybe it was the wind again?" Ezra mumbled, not convincing himself. A flash of light poured through the windows of the window seat.

Then, noises of small footsteps and child laughter came down the stairs. Ezra was scared this time but his curiosity got the best of him. He stood up and was fully alert. He peeked his head out of the entrance and looked up the stairs. Nothing. Ezra was breathing hard and walked backwards, not noticing that a plank of wood was sticking out of the floor. Tripping over the wood and landed on a pair of big furry arms.

He slowly turned his head and screamed jumping away from...from...from......a statue of a stuffed creature. 'How did I not notice that before and who in the galaxy would have one in there house?!' Ezra thought. There was noises of a kid running and laughing on the second level of the house. What's wrong with this crazy house?! Ezra kept saying that he was just imagining things. Still, there was this nagging feeling at the back of his head saying that something was off. He didn't need the force to tell him that something was off even if he wanted to use it.

Ezra built up the courage to walk over to the first step of the stairs. He heard another slamming of a door from upstairs. He flinched, taking a deep breath and continued up step by step. He reached the top and looked around. "Hello," Ezra said staying alert of his surroundings. Yet, wasn't expecting what was coming next. "Hi forever friend," a little girl's voice spoke. 'It sounded like..' He didn't finish his thought and slowly turned around. Ezra jumped when he saw a little girl wearing a torn up old gown. She had long dirty blond hair and was ghostly pale. What freaked him out more than anything was that she had no eyes and her mouth was sowed together. "Who are you?" Ezra nervously asked the girl. The little girl just broke out laughing and in the blink of an eye she disappeared. Not after a few words were said, "Get comfy, cause your going to be here for awhile". "How long is awhile?" Ezra asked afraid of the answer. His question was answered by an echo in the air ".....forever....". He was now as pale as the ghost girl.

He bolted down the stairs and ran at the door, literally. The only dent that was made was a bruise forming on Ezra's arm. Ezra rubbed the part that hurt the most and started to panic. He could hear the girl walking down the hallway giggling and making a scratching sound on the wall. Ezra started to get mad and yelled at the girl, "let me out this house, now!". The girl appeared in front of Ezra and this time she had eyes with blood dripping down from them and glared at him. "Either you stay with me for forever or I'll make the rest of your life miserable" the girl whispered angrily. "NO!" Ezra yelled at the top of his lungs. He had enough of this house for Lothal's sake. All of a sudden, the girl screamed and disappeared saying, "no escape, no escape, no escape". Ezra was still at the door when something shiny floated down the hall. One of the shiny things came flying down the hall and landed right next to Ezra's head. "If you wouldn't stay with me alive. I guess I'll just have to make you stay but dead!" The girl yelled. He turned his head and saw a butcher knife in the door. Ezra turned back and saw another knife about to be thrown at him. For some reason he couldn't move and quickly glanced down. There were chains around his ankles. Ezra turned back and saw what he thought would be the last thing he would see. All because he was curious about some stupid urban legend that doesn't even exist. "So, this is how Ezra Bridger goes out," he said to no one in particular. He closed his eyes not wanting to see what would happen next. The knife was thrown and blood dripped onto the floor.


Stay tuned and I want to give you guys one more big THANK YOU! ADIOS!!!😁😁😁😁

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