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"He needs a blood transfusion!" I heard someone yell. Pain racked through my body. I do know remember what happened. I was with my squad.....we were fighting...I got hit. I passed out. But I don't need a blood transfusion. I know I lost a ton of blood maybe enough to fill a medium sized bucket. But soon the wound will be gone, my body will make new blood cells. The pain will stay but... I'll be fine like always.

I began to feel the wound close, I grited my teeth in pain. This part always hurt. The medic wasn't looking they where trying to grab another clone to give me a blood transfusion. I felt the wound close and I sat up the pain still was running through my body. I let out a breath and when the medic turned they gasp. They just stood their with there jaw hung open.

I stood up and said, "I'm okay now. But. I do need some painkillers." The medic could only grab them for me. I took them and smiled at them saying my thanks. However before I left I raised my hand over their face and their mind went blank. I told them to forget what they saw. They did. I then left.

"Smooth," said a cold voice. I stop and let out a breath. "Hey Dark," I said turning to him.

"Well?" He asked his arms folded.

"Well what?" I asked. He sighed and rolled his eyes. "A challenge from Scorch."

"What was this challenge?" I asked.

"That I be nice and considerate to others," he grumbled. I smiled then laughed. "And what did you challenge Scorch?" I asked.

He gave me a wry smile, "Oh just to keep his helmet off and not drink anything with alcohol today."

"You do know why he wears that helmet," I said more then asked.

"Yeah, so what he and his squad went through somethings on umbra. Big deal." He said scoffing.

"Dark. Everyone has a past, a reason they are like this. Everyone went through something, but it could be different for each person." I said to him.

"I don't follow," he said.

"Here let me use an example. Let's say there was someone who was used as a lab rat and they were treated worse as one. Then there was someone who was treated amazingly. However they got tortured mentally. Which one had it worse?" I asked. He turned his gaze to the floor. "I see your point....it matters more of what goes on inside that person." He said after a few long moments of silence.

"I think that's the deepest thing you ever said." I exclaimed to him with a light grin.

"Just for today," he snarled.

"Question: what happenes if you lose this said challenge." I asked him. He just glared at me but said nothing. "...and don't you dare try and reading my mind or my face. I'll be able to tell that your doing that."

"Wasn't even thinking of it," I said grinning but I knew he would be able to tell. He learnt how to feel, see and hear things that seem impossible to others. I can do the same thing but I have the force to thank for that. But Dark, he doesn't. That's how we met actually, he felt me using the force and he was able to see it. That's what always confuses me he can see the flow of the force at times.

He then sighed again and began to walk down the hall. His hands in the pockets of the black hoodie he was wearing. I smiled. Rowen always said that he looked like the grim reaper and all he needed was a cycle. To which Dark replied he already had one, which doesn't surprise me. I walked next to him and laughed. I realized a long time ago that there are sort of groups of clones. The dark ones, the pranksters, the obedient ones, the easy going ones, the warrior ones, and that was basically the list. Well to me.

"Did you fine out yet?" He asked breaking the silence.

"No...not yet," I said. He ment about my DNA, it's half clone the other half is still unknown. But it gives me the power of the force, but I can do things that no Jedi or Sith can do. Suddenly I stopped walking my head began to pound. My vision blurred and hit the ground hard and Dark dropped down next to me. He tried to talk to me but his voice was just slurred to my clouding mind. The world faded into black emptiness.

Suddenly a saw two people. One stood by a desk and the other stood leaning against the window glancing outside.

"My skills don't come cheap," the man by the window said.

"I am aware of this," the other man said as he pulled out a sheet of paper. He then slid it over to the man who stood at the window. He walked forward and grabbed the paper. He looked it over and said, "Fine. Add about three more zeros to that and we have a deal."

"Very good," the man said as he added the zeros. The man who was by the window and obviously a killer turns and said, "Please note: If anyone finds out that you talked to me or even know about me. Your name is going on my kill list."

I then came to and I was looking up at Dark.

"Someone is going to die," I said. 

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