Chapter 32: Little Talks

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Little Talks


Estella threw herself on the bed the moment she entered her room, her stiff shoulders slackened as she sank into it with a weary sigh, as though the bed had the ability to absorb their tension. A groan escaped her mouth as she rolled onto her back, gazing at the ceiling through half-lidded eyes. It was already ten, and she has reached her limit, like how she would always end up by this hour of each day. However, she was especially more exhausted tonight compared to the other nights.

The awkward skittishness between Ciel and her just seemed to have intensified after their strange encounter, and it has made today more exhausting than ever. She found her mind wandering off into turmoil several times after it. She could still remember that confused look on poor Finny's face when she suddenly let out a string of swearing words in the midst of gardening.

Thankfully, she did not catch any glimpse of Ciel after the encounter. However, the relief she was feeling sank quickly at the inevitability of needing to face him again the moment the next morning comes.

Stifling a yawn, Estella let her gaze wander over to the clock and caught sight of the time. Pushing today's events and her frustration aside, she climbed off her bed with a sigh and marched toward the bathroom with a great desire to wash the fatigue off her body.


The glare of the sun peeking through the drapes hit her face, and she turned away almost immediately at the intrusion. Fuzzy vision greeted the moment she opened her eyes, as soon as she was out of her sleepy state, she realized that they were going to head out for an investigation this evening. That knowledge set her groaning as a feeling of dread settled heavily on her chest.

This means I have to stick with Phantomhive. Noooo, why did THAT happen to me? Estella threw the covers aside and scrambled out of the bed with a frustrated scowl.

Estella entered the bathroom and twisted the tap at the sink. Sticking a hand under the running water, she splashed the water at her face and quickly wiped the dripping water off her face with a towel.

Flashing her teeth stupidly at her reflection, Estella narrowed her eyes curiously at the two slightly pointed teeth which had disrupted the straight set of teeth that she was secretly proud of. Poking one, she winced at the small prick it gave her. Scowling at the two teeth, she shrugged and splashed water at her face the second time, quickly wiping the water off with the towel.

She sighed at an unpleasant thought, tossing the towel into the laundry basket.

Yesterday's incident was uncalled for.


Estella has always loved walking out of her room to a morning like this. To be greeted by a breeze of cool fresh morning air the moment she leaves her room was the best start to a day.

The walk down the empty hallways had managed to take her mind off the frustrations she was venting in her room. Estella took another whiff of fresh morning air that filled the hallways. Someone was thoughtful enough to let the morning fresh air into the stifling hallways, that someone must be either Sebastian or Tanaka, she noted as she made a turn into a corner and made her way down the staircase.

"BARD! STOP, I'M STILL HERE!" Finny's shout came from the kitchen just as she reached the foot of the stairs.

Estella tilted her head curiously as she slowly approached the kitchen, wondering what the ruckus was about this time. Before she could even reach her first guess, a loud explosion sounded from the kitchen. Raising an eyebrow at the black fumes that were drifting out of the kitchen, comprehension dawned onto her face and she sighed before jogging to the kitchen.

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