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Tw: blood, coughing

Josh had finally drifted off to sleep once he saw Tyler was in a deep sleep.

It felt like he had closed his eyes for about a minute when he was woken up to Tyler shaking and struggling to breathe.

His eyes flew open as he watched Tyler wake up and sit up in panic, and that's when the terrible coughing started.

Josh sat up and turned the light on, rushing back to his side. "Deep breaths Tyler, take deep breaths..."

He was trying, Josh could see he was and he didn't know what to do.

Then he suddenly realized Tyler hadn't taken his cough medicine before going to bed.

He jumped up quickly to grab the medicine from the bathroom, which was highly difficult because Tyler had so many different prescriptions he had to read all the bottles before finding it.

When he came back, Tyler was shaking and wheezing, his face pale as he looked up and down at his arms. He carefully touched the corner of his mouth, his fingers coated...

Josh stopped dead in the doorway.


Red spotting his arms, hands, dripping from his mouth.

Tyler looked up at him, scared and confused.

Josh ran out of the room, dropping the bottle of medicine and grabbing cloths and wetting them in the bathroom sink before rushing back.

Tyler was crying, choking back coughs and not knowing what to do.

Josh made quick work of cleaning the blood off him, hands shaking.

"I- I can't stop." Tyler choked out, coughing again.

Josh had an idea and quickly wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth.

He grabbed both of Tyler's wrists in one hand, raising both of his arms above his head, and with the other hand continued to clean him off.

That seemed to stop the coughing momentarily which allowed Tyler to breathe.

Josh gave him his medicine and almost immediately Tyler relaxed and stopped coughing, still shaking and scared.

He pulled him into his lap, Tyler curled up and Josh curling himself around him. He rocked him back and forth, slowly calming him down.

"Thank you." Tyler rasped out, his voice almost completely gone.

Josh shook his head, blinking the tears out of his eyes. "Don't thank me. I just did what I have learned from the past."

Tyler nodded slightly and pressed his face into the side of Josh's neck. "I'm glad you're here. I'm glad you stayed."

"Good, because I don't think you'll ever get rid of me."

Tyler smiled slightly at that and tried to blink his tiredness away, but finally gave in and fell asleep in Josh's arms.

Josh carefully laid him down and smoothed his hair out of his face, pressing his lips to his forehead.

"I love you, Tyler Joseph." He whispered as he settled himself beside him, careful not to wake him up.

He was too troubled to go back to sleep, though.

Tyler was getting worse at a quick rate and there wasn't much that could be done, all the medicine was doing was slowing it down.

"Spread this infection..." Was all Josh could think before closing his eyes and being plunged in darkness. "I want to take this away from you."

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