Part ; 12

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A/N Hi everyone. So, before I jump into this chapter, I just want to say a bit. If you're a directioner, don't be offended. I think that 1D is perfectly fine, I'm just not a huge fan. But, yeah. I'be been on YouTube a lot, watching "The Day Of The Doctor" trailers. I have no idea why, but I like reading the comments (I know). I saw one that said something like "(Bad Word that is not to be used) you BBC! November 23rd is One Direction day! I don't give a *crap* about Doctor Who, so give 1D their *freaking* day back! No one cares that you booked the *freaking* date 50 years ago!". Yeah. I changed some words in there, because I don't like using them. 'One Direction' day, though? Like I said before, don't be offended, directioners, but I personally think that this is ridiculous. 1D is a BAND. DW is a masterpiece. You can't just post a comment on a BBC YouTube video and expect them to change the date of their FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY SHOW! People have been waiting for this for YEARS, and all you care about is "1D Day!". You know what I say to the person who posted that comment? I hope you realize how many people would be raging if they changed the freaking day just so you could have you freaking "1D Day." Phew, long note. Don't be offended, again, directioners. One Direction deserve the fame, no doubt about it. I just think that it's pathetic that people are trying to have "One Direction Day!" on the day that president Kennedy was assassinated (If I'm wrong, I'm sorry. I stink at remembering dates.). "The Day Of The Doctor" is a huge milestone. When One Direction has their fiftieth anniversary, you'll have to let me know. Maybe then people will let them have their freaking day.

Thanks for reading


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