Chapter One - Chapter Three

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Y o u   a r e   (Y/N) . . .  c o r r e c t ?





chapter three - blue

His eyes pierced through the darkness of your room. You glanced at the clock and saw it was three ten AM.

You shivered. Just his presence made you want to cower away.

There's no doubt about it. He's a god. Only a being with high power would be able to catch you from falling down the stairs even when he wasn't in the house before, and teleport in and out of your rooms.

"I want to tell you something before I go home." He took a step towards you, which made you step back.

'I know this. He's gonna do something completely random in this moment of suspense. It's just like the movies.

"You're the first human I've ever seen without an ayakashi riding on them."

"Aya...kashi?" You questioned, tilting your heads.

"They're beings of emotions, terrible emotions that cling to people and make them do horrible things. Suicide, murder, insanity...You don't have an ayakashi."

"...So why are you telling me this?" Your mind was tired, but you could process what he said.

"I am going to protect you from now on. A human that has no ayakashi deserves protection from a god. I'll introduce you to Hiyori, my friend!" His face went from serious to happy thinking of Hiyori.

"Hiyori and you must be a couple!" You concluded. He gasped.

"No! I don't like her that way!" He shouted, his face turning red.

You chuckled. "Get out."




Once Yato left, you climbed back into bed. The days stress wearing you out until you slept peacefully again. wasn't so peaceful.


"You don't seem to understand! I have to protect you from ayakashi!"

Your families lifeless bodies sat around you. Your horror-stricken face only made him laugh.

"What's wrong? Are you scared?" He walked towards your frightened body.

"Yukine..?" You choked out between sobs.

The regalia had been very quiet while the god holding him had killed innocent people.

"Yukine? You like him more? Hahaha..."

He held the sword up, about to swing it down when...


"Wake up!"

"Big brother, it's early." You muttered, turning around

"We have school, dumbass! Wake up now or I'll dump your toast into the trash!" He threatened.

A God's Obsessions (Yandere Yato x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now