
705 26 11

Tw: doctors, sickness (coughing, fever, vomit), not eating

Tyler was in and out of the doctor's office.

The doctor wasn't very impressed by the lack of improvement that he was showing.

If anything, new symptoms had started to show. Chest pains and coughing fits.

The both of those did not go well together.

All Josh could do was be there for him, because that was something Tyler wanted.

After his appointment, Tyler asked Josh to come to his house because he was too tired to make it to the treehouse.

Josh got there as fast as he could, knocking on the door and being greeted by Mrs. Joseph.

"Josh, you're here," She looked relieved. "He's been asking for you since we left for his appointment and hasn't stopped since."

Josh nodded. "Is he laying down?"

Mrs. Joseph nodded and let him in. Josh immediately went to his room.

He knocked on his door and let himself in, closing the door behind him.

Tyler's face lit up a bit when Josh walked in.

"Josh," Tyler choked on his name and started into a coughing fit. He sat up and raised his arms above his head, closing his eyes and breathing deeply, the coughing over. "you came."

"Of course I did." Josh answered, perching himself on the edge of his bed.

Tyler cleared his throat and winced. He laid back against the pillows and took Josh's hand. "Will you stay?"

"Yes, of course Tyler," he answered, wrapping both his hands around Tyler's. "anything for you."

Tyler smiled a bit. "thank you."

Josh laid down beside him and wrapped his arms around him.

They talked for a while, Tyler eventually getting too tired and started to fall asleep.

"Josh." Tyler whispered, his eyes slowly fluttering shut.

"Yes, Tyler?" Josh answered.

"I've been cleverly masking my words..." that was all he said before falling asleep.

Josh was worried. He didn't know what this meant and it scared him. Eventually he relaxed himself and was able to fall asleep to Tyler's uneven breathing.

Josh woke up some time later, burning hot and heat radiating off him.


He untangled himself from the blankets and turned to him.

His face was pale, and his cheeks rosy and bright. A thin film sweat covered his forehead.

Josh carefully put his hand on Tyler's forehead, feeling the heat come off him.

No no no.

He carefully got up and grabbed the thermometer from the bathroom.

He lightly pressed it to Tyler's temple, stirring the boy awake. He looked up at him. "Dr. Josh," he smiled tiredly. "hot."

Josh laughed, despite him being so sick. The thermometer beeped and he checked the temperature. "Tyler, you've got a fever."

He nodded. "I can definitely tell." He kicked off the blankets and sat up, pulling his shirt off.

Josh watched, thinking that despite how sick Tyler was, he still was beautiful. He looked at the time. "Hey, you need to eat something and take your medicine."

Tyler didn't like the thought of eating something but did it for Josh, because he knew it would make him feel better. "Only if you help me up."

Josh walked him to the dining room and sat him down at the table, feeling the bare skin of his back burn him. "Alright, what will you like this fine evening, sir?" He bowed slightly, smiling.

Tyler laughed, holding his sides tightly. "Chef now, are we? What else can you be?"

Josh knew this was making them both feel better so he continued playing along. He grinned wickedly. "Anything you want, sweetheart."

Tyler grinned back and raised an eyebrow. "Oh really..." He said as he watched Josh walk over and sit on his lap. "Mmm." He hummed.

"Yes." Josh answered and kissed him.

Tyler leaned into it and laughed. "No! I just cheated on my boyfriend with the chef!"

Josh sprang up. "How could you!" He said as he continued back to the kitchen to make soup for Tyler. "I couldn't blame you, the both of us are pretty hot."

Tyler laughed, watching him from the table.

It didn't take long for the soup to heat up, and soon he was making sure Tyler was eating enough.

"Josh, I'm done. I'm really done." Tyler was shaking his head.

"There's a little bit more..."

"I can't," Tyler said as he laid his head down. "I'm gonna be sick."


He suddenly jumped up and ran.

"Tyler!" He ran after him and found him on the bathroom floor, heaving over the toilet. He grabbed a cloth and ran it under cold water, laying it on the back of his neck.

Tyler eventually finished emptying his stomach, laying his head on Josh's knee.

"Are you okay?" Josh asked, pushing his curly hair off his forehead.

Tyler nodded, closing his eyes.

"Do you want to go lay down?"

He nodded again and Josh helped him up, trying to ignore the fact that he was shaking. He cleaned Tyler up and after getting him in bed, took a while to coax him to take his medicine.

Josh finally got him to, and watched him fall asleep.

"Will you stay?" Tyler asked, his eyes closed.

"Yeah," Josh answered and laid beside him. "I will."

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