Chapter 33

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Josh came into the kitchen for something but he's forgotten what. Instead he found himself lost in his thoughts. Thinking about what he's really been feeling this past year.

He felt bad for denying Simon but he- he- He wasn't sure if he felt the same way. Josh has always known he liked Simon and could always feel them growing closer. A stronger bond building. However, he mistakenly took it for a close friendship. He refused to believe that what he was truly feeling, was more than that. Josh isn't afraid of being with another guy. He's not worried about being gay, or bi. He really does like Simon... He just didn't know. But now he does.

His thought bubble bursted.

"Oh, hey." Simon walked in, not expecting Josh. He bit his lip feeling awkward after yesterday. Simon tried his best to not look at Josh. He's been avoiding any sort of conversation with his crush. Simon grabbed a water out of the fridge and closed the fridge door.

"Simon..." Josh began. The taller boy tensed at his name. He looked back at Josh waiting to hear the rest. Josh walked closer as he searched for words. But who the hell needs words when you have lips?!

He grabbed Simon's face and smashed his lips against the blonde's, melting into the kiss. Simon froze for a second before realizing what was happening and quickly kissed back. The nerves exploded into butterflies that danced in his stomach. When Josh pulled back, Simon stared at him in confusion.

"I thought, after yesterday, you didn't like me?"

"I've always liked you but I just thought it was platonic love because I never thought of myself like this. But now I've come to understand I do love you." Josh softly smiled. "And I want to be with you."

"You mean it?"

"I mean it with all my heart. There is no one I love spending time with more than you. I can just look at you get butterflies." Josh took Simon's hands. "When did you realize you have feelings for me?"

"I only started to feel them a little over a year ago. Then Riley came and she brought me closer to you and made my feelings for you stronger. I started to notice how much I love your smile, and laugh." Simon blushed.

"I've been feeling this way about you for so long it became normal and that's why I think I had hard time noticing these feelings." Josh chuckled.

"I love you, Josh." Simon purred.

"I love you too." Josh gave him another kiss. "When do we tell the guys?"

"They'll figure it out eventually." Simon shrugged.

"We're definitely not telling the fans yet."

"Josh, I think the fans knew we were in love before we did."

(Don't worry this won't affect the storyline. The book's still about Riley)

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