Trickery [AU]

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So this is a try out and will have a part two if its successful.
I wasn't sure what Newt's name before the glade was or should be so I used Jake, it was going to be Thomas because of Thomas brodie sangster but that was confusing with Thomas (the character). Also Sam is a random name with a random look so you can change it if you want.
For this you will need two names:

Y/n/bg = your name before the glade

Y/n/ig = your name in glade.

Your ears ring, your head feels cloudy and the room seems to spin. You lean on the arm around your waist resting your head onto his shoulder. Your mind focuses on only one thing: we're out of the maze, the idea forces a weak smile to your lips and puts a skip in your broken walk.
Large men dressed in black carrying large guns walk you and your friends towards two iron doors.

"Where are you taking us?" Thomas asks, he's always been asking questions, he can never except the fact that we are free, free to find your families and discover our mystery pasts.

A man wearing a blacked out mask looks at him and the rest of us, "we're taking you home."

Your heart skips a beat, home, we are finally going home. A home where your father sits at the table with the newspaper talking about work and his adventures as a child while mother fills the kitchen with the smell of fresh homemade bread and maybe be even a sibling to run around the table causing a massive mess. Of course Newt would have to be right around the corner or else there would be no point.

Newt squeezes your hand and pulls you in closer, "not matter what happens we stay together."

You nod and go to speak but are cut off by two men pulling open the iron doors and ushering you all inside a large barn like building, on the opposite side is a large double door opening with adults clinging to smaller children or elders. The noise hits you square on, people are crying in pain or delight, somewhere a baby cries as you follow the man past tons of children all grouped into different groups of gender with one person of the opposite gender, it reminds you of the maze except there are two girls in yours, you and Teresa.

"All these kids are like you, rescued from W.I.C.K.E.D's maze experiment."

You gasp, you really weren't the only ones.

"We have also found camps where W.I.C.K.E.D kept the family of each child who participated in the maze, luckily if your family made it to theses camps then you can go home with them if not we have orphanages willing to take you in."

You gulp, please let me have a family. The man leads you to a space behind a waist height metal fence, on the other side you can see parents some with younger kids all waiting with hope dancing in their dark eyes. You take an estimate and guess there is around thirty families, you look over the gladers there are about twenty of you, it breaks your heart that some of these hopeful parents are going to get some bad news.

The parents line up and the man stands at the front, "the first family is... Hang on... Jack's family."

You watch as a happy Jack steps to the front, his mother breaks down and his father cups his mouth, they both embrace their son planting kisses all over his face, the sight fills you with hope and desire to have that. The joyful parents lead him off and the next family steps up, the first families are lucky and all have surviving children, you watch a young couple with a small boy clinging to their legs step up, their skin dark like Alby's.

"We have Alby's parents." The man shouts.

You feel Newt go stiff by your side and watch as he desperately tries to forget the unbearable scene of his friend sacrificing himself to the grievers. You rub your hand along his back and he faces you tears in his eyes.

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