Chapter 31: Exodus

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Chapter 31: Exodus

The Holy City of Caelum, also known as the Ivory City, was the capital of the Theocracy and served as the main base of operations of the entire religion. It was where all the pilgrims and clergies converged at this time of the year to celebrate the foundation of the Church.

Yet this year, instead of the usual festivities, a grim atmosphere has engulfed the entire city. Instead of the mass parading the streets, the roads were filled with patrolling soldiers wearing shiny armors. News of an invasion has reached the capital and this wasn't just any army. An unholy horde of undead spawns was on their way to the capital and so far all attempts to stop it weren't successful.

In addition, news of a plague from Malatas had made Caelum to close its gate and forbad anyone to come in. The Church feared that this plague might kill even more people and they could not tolerate any undead to take a single step inside their holy sanctuary. Or so they said.

For each city destroyed, the horde gained both in numbers and strength. Not only that, disturbing rumors said that the army was actually being led by the late pope Vyncis along with a few Heroes of the past. How could such a thing be possible?

For years the Church and its followers have buried their leaders, their loved ones in the World's Graveyard. And now their place of worship and prayer has become their nightmare. At these darkest moment, one question was in everyone's mind: "Where is the Hero?"

Meanwhile at the Grand Cathedral of Caelum, where all political power of the Church lied.

"I cannot consent to this. We have to act!" shouted a priest.

The man was standing in the middle of a grand auditorium. Forming a circular crowd, the higher the person sat, the higher their rank. At the top an old man sat on a white throne made of stone. He held a similar staff to Vyncis and wore a golden garb, including a tall miter. That was because he was Gauwyn, the current pope of the Theocracy.

Underneath were the other cardinals and bishops, all high ranking members of the Church. As for the reason behind this meeting, it was because of the man standing in the middle of the room. A young man, perhaps too young to be a bishop, yet here he stood in front of all members of the congregation. And he had the audacity to challenge his superiors.

"I believe we have already discussed this issue, Father Maxime! We are to defend the capital until reinforcement comes." Said irritatingly a cardinal.

"But so far we have yet to receive any response. And even if our allies have received our letters, who knows when they will come? I ask of you, as a member of the Church to open the gate of Caelum and let the people in. In addition to send our army to rescue those that are still left out there!" pled Maxime.

"We don't know if these people are afflicted with the plague. If we let the sick in and infect our army, it would be the end when the undead horde comes here!"

"And are we supposed to just let them die out there? What happen to all our preaching of saving others?" yelled Maxime.

"What you said is only an ideal, bishop! You have to face reality. The situation is dire. We cannot afford to divide our army at this moment! This is a test from God and we must endure it!"

"What kind of test would ask us to sacrifice the lives of innocents just to save our own?"

"Maxime, I understand your sentiment. We all do. But I ask for your patience here. Only a few days and our allies will surely come. Until then the gate must remain closed!"

"To you who is cowering in fear behind these walls, it might seem like a few days. But to the people out there, fighting for their lives, we are all the hope they got. It's precisely at this moment that we must show our faith through our actions, not with pretty words." The young bishop preached.

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