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"You're not helping."

"You need to relax, it's not that big of a deal."

"Says the uni drop out."

"Bloody hell, it's been ten months. Get over it."

"Don't tell me to relax."


I hold back on the temptation to roll my eyes and instead resort to bopping my leg up and down, as I sit in the waiting hall to be called in for my oral.

When the time roster was posted online, I immediately chose to be last at five pm, however I'm now regretting my choice. With each hour that passes, my heart adds another extra beat to its already abnormal rhythm, making feel like it might just build up enough momentum to beat out of my chest.

I've tried distracting myself as I watched the queue of people in front of me thin, by calling Evan, but all that's done is make me more nervous and agitated even.

"Evan I'll call you back later, okay."

"Relax, Hana. Seriously."


I hang up as a girl walks out of the examination room, blank faced and a guy walks in after her. I hold my breath as I stare at the girl sitting opposite me. She looks so much calmer and relaxed, like this sort of thing is a walk in the park- and I completely envy her.

My stare my have lasted a little too long, because the girl looks up at me and then smiles. I attempt to return it, but the gesture tugs at my dry lips, and so it becomes more of a wince than a smile.

"You look nervous." She comments, her voice slightly deeper and huskier than I would have thought.

"Yeah, a bit." A lot.

"If it makes you feel any better, my friend said one of the stand in students is super nice, maybe you'll get them."

"I hope." I mostly mutter it too myself, but as I do, the examination room door opens and the guy walks out with a semi decent smile on his face.

"Good luck." The girl stands and straightens her shirt and walks in before I can reply with a measly "you too."

I'm left for another twenty minutes on my own to think and over think and then the girl with the husky voice walks out, her smile still in tact, and says "you'll do fine" before he walks away. I shift in my seat but make no move to actually stand and head to the open door where the examiner and student volunteer are no doubt waiting for me.

I stand and hold my stack of stapled last minute revision papers in my hand, and head to the door. I would've delayed it for longer, but I figured they might take marks off for tardiness and I definitely didn't want to risk it. Taking a deep breath and making a quick dua'a from the top of my head, I step inside, but my movement is immediately halted when I see Noah standing by the examiner.

This has to be a joke. Some sort of a mistake, a big one at that because Noah doesn't even study at Monash. He shouldn't be here. And definitely not while I'm about to be examined on an unknown scenario. My jaw slackens slightly and my grip on my papers loosens, but all the while, I can't seem to steer my sight away from him.

He's dressed in slacks. Grey slacks with a white dress shirt tucked neatly under his belt and black shoes. His hair is still up in its little knot, though it's neatly slickened back, and his face. The insignificant scruff he adorned a couple of months ago has started to blossom into slightly longer hairs, covering his jaw. He smiles at me, but when I don't return it, it fades.

"Hana?" I cross over to the examiner standing beside him, licking my dry lips and nodding my head.

"Yeah." I answer.

The Essence of Noah (Muslim story)Where stories live. Discover now