What if Carolyn goes back to Parker? What if she goes to someone else? The next few story lines are exploring Everett's interpretation of quantum mechanics, the theory is an interpretation of quantum mechanics that asserts the objective reality of the universal wavefunction and denies the actuality of wavefunction collapse. AKA, the theory that an action taken/action not taken affects the future, creating several alternate realities.
In all things said, whats important is we remember the books for the characters and story line, and not who ends up with who. We have three completely different story lines, one everyone wanted, one no one wanted, and one no one expected that I wanted to add.We love Carolyn because of how much dumb mistakes she has made and how those mistakes have made Carolyn the way she is. Revenge kissing a waiter, leading on 3 guys, learning about her best friend's bi-ness from a friend she rejected, and getting drunk and making out with her straight-as-a-ruler friend all make Lynn, Lynn.
carolyn, lynn, lynnie, ly
Ideal (a cube smp fanfiction) [COMPLETED]
Fanfiction"Next one, the bean boozled! Will and I have already done this, but we still want to stream it, so here it is. Here is the first one! It is blue, meaning it is either blueberry, or toothpaste." I bite into the jelly bean. "Hey, it's minty, but not b...