"Do you have everything?" Darir asks, looking pointedly at my single suitcase. Rolling my eyes, I huff at the burly beefalo. Hybrids are uncommon, but are becoming more and more accepted.
"SOME of us don't need to lug our whole rooms around with us. I travel light. Old habit."
He nods in understanding. He's a trainer, with an established base camp and a regular job. As a field agent, I move around for my missions a lot, and am rarely at the compound. He has a slightly more stable life than mine, but you wouldn't catch me teaching newbies every day. Maybe a class here or there, but not as a steady thing. Which makes my reassignment ironic.
Rhea, my unit commander, hooked me a job in the very center of Zootopia, training the officers in the finer points of hand-to-hand, and going on a few in-city missions. I'll die of boredom. But at least it'll be calm.
I lean back farther in my chair, ignoring the transports bumps, rolling with them when I can. My eyes close, and I just feel the rhythm of the wheels on the road beneath me.
I let it rock me to sleep.
"Hey. Savage. Wake up." A beefy hoof starts shaking my shoulder, and I snap awake, my hand going to where my gadgets should be before my eyes open.
Darir raises his hooves up in the air, and waits for my self defense mode to die down. "Boy. I pity your alarm clock." He smirks.
I relax, letting my head thump back against the headrest. "What is it?" The words come out a little harsh, but Darir apparently has thick skin.
"We're entering Zootopia. Figured you'd want to wake up before we entered city proper."
I nod my thanks. It wouldn't look good if I was yawning.