Chapter 13, The Fight

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Your P.O.V
I struck first, but Grell dodged. I then struck out left, fainted to the right, and struck his arm. It wasn't too bad, but enough to hurt. Grell's aura was in outrage. Grell, you can back out now, you know.
     "NEVER!!!" He then struck out under my legs and knocked my legs from underneath me, but I somehow managed to keep my balance by doing a back turn over. Guess I have some cat balance. Grell looked amazed, Sebastian looked awestruck, Ciel well, Ciel never changes his expression, but I think he approved. With my new found energy, I went for his head, but used my feet to make him trip. He landed on his back and I held the sword to his throat.
     "Give up yet?"
     "I told you, NEVER." Somehow he whipped out his chainsaw and cut my leg. I jumped back before he could cut off my leg.
Sebastian's P.O.V
I started rushing to _____, but before I could get there, she turned into the biggest lioness I've ever seen. She was the size of a regular lion.
     "GRELL STOP IT!!!" I cried out to him but he didn't listen. To my dismay, Young Master was in the most danger here because I knew Scratch could handle it. I went over to young master and picked him up.
     "Hey! What's the big idea?" I jumped to a flat part of the roof where he could still see.
     "You were in possible danger, Master. I just moved you so you are out of immediate danger." He scoffed at me the sat down to watch the fight. I turned to see Scratch slowly circling her prey, in this case, Grell. Grell held his chainsaw out defensively. Scratch sniffed and seemed to see something no one else saw. His aura. She then launched herself at Grell. No next to Grell, and bit on air. Grell screamed and fell to the ground. This seems to be getting out of hand. I jumped down and stood between Grell and Scratch. Scratch turned human and Grell stood up.
     "HOWD YOU DO THAT?!?!?"
     "A magical cat never tells her secrets, buuuut I'll tell you just this once. Your aura is a lot more, ummm solid? I guess. So I figured, if I bit down in the hardest part, I would win," She looked at Ciel, "I did win right?"
     "Yes, by default and by fighting." Young master called from the roof. Sebastian, tell Grell to leave.
     "Grell, I think it's best you leave, you might want to get checked out." Grell looked at ____, she smirked and gave a knowing look, them Grell ran away as fast as he could.
     "What'd you tell him?"
     "I can have my secrets, can't I?"
     "Guys!!! I'm still up here." You best go get Ciel. I jumped off and got Ciel and but him on the ground, "Ok, you two are dismissed." Ahhh, Sebastian, I think I'm falling. I turned just in time to catch _____ right before she hit the ground.
Your P.O.V
I woke up to find myself on the kitchen counter. Great. I sat up and instantly felt woozy.
     "You might not want to get up too quick, Kitten." I turned and saw Sebastian cleaning the cut on my leg, "Grell did quite the number in you. I'm sorry I should have jumped in sooner." I tried to talk but sound wouldn't come out instead I used my power, Why did I pass out
     "First I thought it was from blood lost, then I found this." He held up a dart. What?!?!? I didn't fell a thing.
     "It was a poison dart, I hook it out of you before the poison could go in your bloodstream. Put it knocked you out first." Water. Sebastian went and got me some warm Earl Grey tea. I said water, not tea.
     "You didn't say anything, you sent it through telepathy." Demons. I took a sip. It warmed my throat and my whole body. I felt go to my neck and warm my whole body. I tried talking, "Perfect." I smiled at him. I downed the rest of the tea, "Ahhhh, delicious." He looked at my cut.
     "We have to clean that up." I know what your thinking Sebastian.
     "I'm sorry I'm a demon, that's what we do." Just clean it Sebastian, nothing else for right now, I already lost enough blood. He got towel, wet it and started cleaning my cut. In 5 mins, it was clean with bandages on it. I want to try something, Sebastian. I turned into Scratch. I felt a bandage in my left back leg. Sebastian cradled me, saying, "It'll be ok, Scratch." I turned to human in his arms, "Can we go to our room? I really don't fell like walking." We walked, we'll he walked to our room and he put we on the bed. He leaned in and kissed me. He pulled away. Nope not happening I thought to myself. I pulled him in again and kissed him. I ruffled his rave black hair while I was in the kiss. I made a cat tail and ears. Then he turned his eyes pink. I wish we could stay like this forever. When he pulled away I stood up. I said, "Today is going to be a fun day."

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