Play the song above, pls
"It's Y/N."
Panic shot through Mabel's body and now she's fully awake. She jumped out of her bed and informed the caller that she's coming immediately. She packed her things and drived to the hospital, with a worried look on her face.
She went to find your room and ran inside. "Y/N!"
You were lying on the bed, awake, but very weak.
Your eyes half-lidded, mouth slightly open for breathing, face pale, fragile body, and a slow beating of heart.
Mabel approached your bedside carefully. The doctor went outside to give privacy.
"H-hey... Mabes..." you softly said, barely even a whisper.
"Sh, shh... Y/N, don't push yourself."
You weakly smiled. You shakily reached your hand for her's that was rested on the covers. You held it and squeezed it, for strength and telling Mabel that you're okay.
Tears ran down her eyes and it's not stopping.
June 17, 2016 earlier~Dipper was asleep when Mabel left that morning.
He woke up with a yawn and stretch here, stretch there, as if everything's perfect.
For him, it is.
He opened his eyes and fixed his gaze up with a happy smile. Dipper walked downstairs and towards the dining table, only to find his parents, toast, bacon, pancakes and eggs.
But no Mabel.
"Hey, mom," Dipper called. "Where's Mabel?"
"I don't know, honey, haven't seen her this whole morning." She stated.
"But how is she going to help me for my 'big day' when she's off somewhere else?!"
"Calm down, Dipper, it's okay. Everything's all set up, right?" His father asked.
Dipper nodded, "Well... yeah, but I also need a supportive sibling and a stage sister. But Mabel's not here. She's always at her friends' house." He grumbled.
"Don't blame Mabel, son," Dad
"Yeah, it's your special day tomorrow and we don't want you stressed to meet your future wife!" Mom.
Dipper smiled. "Thanks, mom and dad."
Meanwhile, Mabel stayed by your side no matter what. She didn't cared about her brother's wedding at all. In fact, when you're all 12, she shipped you and Dipper and also named as 'The Indestructable One True Pair in the Universe'...
But everything changed after that.
Mabel can't be with her brother right now. She needs to take care of her best friend and be with her while she still has time.
She was still crying, and crying, like there's no tomorrow, but although it is for you. Your death's already been marked and your ready for it.
You coughed loudly and roughly, catching Mabel's attention. She gasped when blood came down running on your nose. She reached for tissues and carefully cleaned the liquid substance.
She kept on talking and talking to you, to keep your eyes open and alive. You laughed on her jokes, listening to every word.
And it made you happy now.

A Summer With You
FanfictionPines Twins, Mabel and Dipper, was sent to a strange town named Gravity Falls when they first met their Grunkle Stan's best employees; Wendy Corduroy, Soos Ramirez, and Y/n L/n. Long story short: She falls for the brunette boy, but he falls for som...