Chapter 34

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The next day at breakfast Rose was forced to sit with her back to the Slytherin table, even though she didn't want to.

"If you look at him you'll probably burst into tears again, and that took you ages to stop yesterday" Caia had said when she attempted to sit opposite him.

Rose sighed as the hall filled. She could hear Petunia purposely talking very loud so Rose could hear her and she was laughing away at things Rose assumed Scorpius was saying. Rose put a bit of toast onto her plate and sat there staring at it, not exactly in the mood to eat.

"Rose..." Albus sighed, pushing in between Rose and Aofie

"I don't want to talk Al" Rose sighed, picking up her goblet of pumpkin juice.

"You can't just sulk all the time Ro" Caia replied

"I know, but I just don't want to talk right now, okay?" Rose pushed her plate away from her and layed on her crossed arms on the table

"Just leave her alone, maybe later" Albus said, pulling the piece of toast off her plate. Just then, Ashlee sat next to Caia, opposite Albus

"Hello!" she exclaimed, not knowing any of what had happened "Why's everyone so sad?" 

"Don't worry" Rose muttered. Ashlee looked at her, in a half-concerned half-strict sort of way "maybe later"

"Okay" Ashlee sighed "No, tell me now, I can tell you have been crying"

"No, Ashlee, I am not talking about it now, maybe later, like I said" Rose fought back the tears forming in her eyes "please Ashlee" Ashlee shook her head and started eating her breakfast.

Caia looked past Rose and onto the Slytherin table. They were literally sitting opposite where Scorpius, Petunia and their friends were sitting. Scorpius was paying no attention what so ever to the fact that Rose was not looking at him, talking to him, and she wasn't the one who was sitting next to him laughing at his jokes.

"I can't believe him" Caia whispered to Aofie, making sure that Rose and Ashlee couldn't hear her

"What's he doing?" Aofie asked in reply

"He is paying no attention to the fact that Rose was in tears last night"

"How would he know?" 

"You know Rose, she would have broke down in tears the moment she saw Petunia put her arms round his neck, she was crying before she pulled the ring off her finger" Caia sighed "He would know if she had been crying because of last night, and she has"

"I know she doesn't want us to but I am going to hurt him so bad" Aofie said through gritted teeth. She went to turn around but Caia stopped her

"No Fi, if you turn around Ro will notice, and then she will know we have been talking about them" Caia said, getting grip of Aofie's wrist.

"Okay" Aofie said quietly. 

Scorpius finally looked up to see Rose laying on the table, it almost looked like she was crying. Scorpius gasped and shook Petunia off his arm, stood up and walked over to the Gryffindor table. Caia and Ashlee saw him coming, but they didn't say anything until he was standing behind Rose

"Hello Scorp!" Ashlee exclaimed, acting as though they were best friends, obviously not having worked out why Rose was not with him or at least facing him

"Don't Ash!" Albus whispered, but she didn't hear him.

"How are you Ashlee?" Scorpius asked. Rose heard his voice behind her and sat up

"Go away Malfoy" Rose said, not turning around to look at him

"Come on, Rose, I said I was sorry, what else can I do?" Scorpius asked. He put his hand on her back 

"Don't touch me Malfoy" Rose said through gritted teeth "leave me alone, I can't face you right now"

"Rose, don't be like this!" Scorpius almost pleaded

"Go away Malfoy" Caia and Aofie said in unison, both with gritted teeth

"She doesn't want you here" Caia continued "leave"

Scorpius sighed and left the Gryffindor table, he walked slowly over to the Slytherin table and took his seat again. Petunia instantly grabbed hold of his arm and started asking him why he was with 'them'. Scorpius didn't say anything, he just looked ahead at the Gryffindor table, watching Rose's friends try to make her laugh, and succeeding.

The day's lessons were horrible for Rose and Scorpius, most lessons, they either sat opposite each other or next to each other. 

"I can't do this any more!" Scorpius exclaimed throwing his wand onto the desk and turning to face Rose, who was next to him, in their charms lesson "Talk to me Rose!"

"I told you this morning, I don't want to talk" Rose said, concentrating very hard to giving the teacup, in front of her, legs.

"I told you I was sorry Rose!" Scorpius pleaded

"How can you expect me to accept sorry?" Rose said, finally facing him for the first time that day "Sorry isn't enough Scorpius, you cheated on me! I thought you loved me! You said you hated Parkinson! How can you expect me to forgive you? Sorry just isn't enough Scorpius" 

"Rose...I'm n-" Scorpius started, but Rose cut in

"I don't want any stupid excuses, we are over, leave me alone" Rose turned back to the teacup on her desk.

The rest of the day was just as bad. Even during the lessons everybody changed where they sat (or stood) every lesson, like Herbology, Scorpius forced his way to be next to Rose. He tried to talk to her all day but after Charms she said nothing in reply.

"Rose just talk to me" Scorpius said, at the end of their defence against the dark lesson, the last lesson of the day

"No" Rose picked up her bag and walked out of the room, up to the Gryffindor common room.

"How was he today Ro?" Caia asked as she threw her bag to the floor and fell onto the sofa next to Rose

"Awful" Rose replied "He tried talking to me all day today, you heard me in Charms, he thinks sorry is enough to make everything better" 

"Aofie and Albus have gone to find him" Caia said "I was gunna go but I thought Ashlee might be pestering you, her not knowing why you are upset and everything, acting like her and Malfoy are best friends"

"Thanks Cai" Rose said "but I haven't seen her anywhere, she wasn't here when I got here, I don't think, and she hasn't come through the portrait since"

"She's here all right" Caia sighed, pulling one of her text books, a piece of parchment and a quill "Al broke up with her during D.A.D.A, she ran somewhere, to the Hufflepuff common room probably, to see her friend"

"She can get into the Hufflepuff common room?" 

"Her friend gave her the pass remember?" 

"Oh yeah" 

"Got any homework today?" Caia said, trying to make conversation 

"Yeah, I would be getting on with it, but I can't stop thinking about how much my life is the worst ever" Rose sighed

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