Chapter 26: Explanations

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 Hecate and Alex explained their journey through the Underlands. Hecate explained, with extreme reluctance, about her battle. Twice, she burst into tears over what she had done. Alex, Eris, Myhrra, and Malum comforted the goddex. Alex and Hecate walked through their Underlands journey with the others, leaving no detail out. Hecate explained how it was being without an Invidia that killed her. Alex talked about meeting with Abbadon. Alex tried to lie about how Hecate regained her Invidia, but Hecate corrected them, not wishing to lie. Hecate told of how she had dived into many afterlives, and how she could open the doors from the inside. Finally, Hecate and Alex told of Alex's transformation and the leap through the portal. The others stayed perfectly silent as the two explained their story. Mostly, they were glad to see Hecate safe. After explaining, Hecate noticed her appearance.

"What happened to me?" she said shocked.

"Well your body did turn to ash," Myhrra reasoned, "So this must be your new body."

"I love this body so much more!" Hecate smiled wonderfully. She was still weak, but much more confident now that she was with her family.

"We must still get to Khronos." Prometheus voiced.

"We can teleport everyone." Erin squeaked. Alex frowned.

"Am I able to teleport like the fairies if I can become one?" they asked.

"It would make sense for you to be able to." said Malum. Alex closed their eyes and in a loud POP became a fairy. They sat atop Hecate's head. Malum flew to Hecate's shoulder.

"We should still teleport in groups." Myhrra reasoned, "Hecate is still weak." Eventually, they got Hecate to agree, and groups were made. They would all teleport at the same time, and agreed to meet a small distance outside of Ener Keep. Hecate and Eris were to teleport with Alex and Malum. Prometheus and Myhrra would be teleported by Blaine. Lizar, Odin, and Erin were to help teleport Iris , Aoife, and Sapphirus. The groups stood apart, and everyone closed their eyes. The fairies concentrated, and in a flash, the parties had vanished.


A.N. - Sorry for the short chapter, this was more of a filler between family and getting to Ener Keep. 

So at least Hecate is safe and alive again :)

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