Restless Nights

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Dick trembled slightly in his bed as he felt small drops of sweat form on his forehead.

His mind wouldn't stop thinking about the events that happened after the mission in Bialya. Sure, as soon as he saw the message he had pried the computer off of his wrist and smashed it to bits, but it didn't relive any of his worries.

It had been only two days ago when he had received the message and it was beginning to mess with his mind.

Did the Court know where he was?

Were they going to take him back?

He heard two knocks on his door,"Master Richard, I do believe it is time to get up. Master Bruce will be leaving for work soon and I do believe that you would like to see him off."

Dicks eyes widened as he stared at the small digital clock that sat on his bedside table.

10:00 a.m.

He hadn't even realized how late it was. He had gotten little to no sleep due to his fear, and he had completely lost his conception of the time.

"Thank you, Alfred. I'll be down soon." Dick sat up, but was immediately hit with the feeling of fatigue.

He felt weak and tired, but the queasiness caused by fear in stomach had not allowed him to sleep.

What if the Court had found him and taken him that day?

Surely, he would be punished for his acts of treason, and the thought sent chills down Dicks spine.

The memory of the Talon attacking him passed his mind. He could have died. His life was about to end in that moment. He had been completely helpless and had absolutely no control.

If Batman had not stepped in, would he not be here today?

He shook the thoughts out of his mind and stood up. The teen got ready as quickly as he could, and as soon as he was presentable, he made his way downstairs.

"Good morning Dick." Bruce greeted once Dick reached the bottom of the stairs. Bruce was dressed in a dark red button up dress shirt and wore black jeans to complete the look. In his right palm was a brief case, he looked cleanly shaven, and his dark hair had been slicked back with hair gel.

"Good morning." Dick replied without his usual joyfulness.

More past memories passed through Robins mind...

"Ah!" A younger Dick screamed as his Uncle delivered a hard punch to his face.

"You have to learn to defend yourself!"

Dick made no attempt to defend himself, and his Uncle made to attempt to stop. Leaving Dick to be a broken mess on the hard cement floor.

Bruce immediately took notice to this,"Dick, are you okay? You look a little pale." Dick had not told anyone about the message he received from his Uncle. He had decided to keep it a secret, but the team had reported Robins strange behavior after the mission, causing Bruce to question Dicks current actions.

"I'm okay, just a bit distracted is all." Dicks mind couldn't seem to focus on what was happening. His mind was elsewhere.

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